Forget you
Fed up
With whatever this is
Going out tonight
With no intentions of coming home
You're nowhere to be found
And I'm not going to sit here
and wait for you to come back
It's clear we've changed
Things aren't the same
I don't know what you want
But I can't think of that tonight
Tonight is my yes night
The night I say yes to everything
I'll dance the night away with strangers
And chase away thoughts of you
with something strong
Happy Friday my love
A day or a lifetime
Those of us that
aspire to be great
are content with the everlasting
monotony of life.
At least in the beginning.
We tell ourselves
It's payment
for the awe inspiring lives
we'll lead one day
So we're content
with putting our nose to the grindstone
And depriving ourselves of sleep
so we can pay the bills
and work on our futures by night
Like a caterpillar
we know we will one day
take on new form
sprout wings
and fly away
But we forget
that not all butterflies
are the same.
Some live years
and some live days.
With the work put in
one day we will get our chance
to transform
but for how long we get to fly is not up to us
So we begin to question
the reason we aspire to be great.
Will we get to enjoy it?
Or will it be ripped away from us
at the very instant we obtain it.
What if
God forbid
We accomplish our dreams?
What a terrifying thought.
People wonder why so many writers write about the depressing moments in their lives. They believe that writing should be about the beauty in the world, and at times it should be. When it's convenient to be written about, the beauty will come. But for the most part, writers write about the sadness in their lives, the torture their souls have endured and the hell they know is still to come. And if one were to ask a writer why, he/she would simply respond "because it's worth writing about." The conundrum is writers can describe these horrid times in their lives with such elegance that would make a reader want to experience it for themselves. However, if the reader were to ever experience it, they would wonder if the writer could actually be considered sane. And, for the most part, the answer would be a hard, unsettling no. But we take pride in that. What's the use in being sane. Sanity is for the well adjusted and the ones that are accepting. A writer is neither of these things. A writer is insane. Because what does sanity get us? Stress and hatred. Sanity is what drives people insane. The only thing
that we should hold onto is our minds. Reality is
cruel but our imagination is the cure for reality, and
what better way to cope with reality than to go insane
within our own minds. Some might say that insanity can lead you down dark paths. But the beauty of insanity is that even if
it takes you to hell, you can perceive it as heaven. And that's why we write about these unsettling times from the gutters, because we sit in the mud and feel like royalty.
Dreams Coming to Fruition
dreams come to fruition
and the dreamers are praised
by those who don't realize their own
dreamers know what dreams are meant for
they know they're not to be wasted in sleep
for then they will never see the light of day
dreamers dream in the day
to act upon it with open eyes
and mend reality around it
It's dreamers that we aspire to be
to lift us from the dirt
and break the chains of our existence
It's the world that tries to hold us back
taking pleasure in those that give up
but dreamers, real dreamers, are the ones
the world will never defeat.
Home away from home
A home away from home
Thats where you’ll find me
Somewhere in the catacomb
Or maybe out at sea.
The prose can take you anywhere
be your secret writing lair
Help you get your secrets out
When you have something to write about
Because everyone there will lend an ear
When you feel like you need to disappear,
To, scream, shout, and laugh
Maybe just write a quick paragraph
The prose will be there for you
A place for you to cling to
A place where you can be free
To write, and be artsy.
The prose is like a family
Restoring my faith in humanity.