And the sky was full of red.
The hot anger spilling from his lips
The sticky blood spilling from her bed
Where she lay dead
And the sky was full of red
His hands on her arm
He never wanted her to leave
He never wanted her to come to harm
And the sky was full of red
The color of their lust
The color of their love
The color of her blinding trust
Way Back <2 years ago>
You'd made fake "claws" out of paper
You leaned forward and scratched me
Your sleeve slid down to reveal hospital bracelets
You were recovering, they said.
You made eye contact with me,
Your eyes told a different story
I saw pain in them
The last time, they were angry. Scathing.
I was afraid you hated me.
What more can I say, all my poems are about you
They all try to recapture you but you're just a figment
A moment in space and time
A time when I was young
A time when I was full of love.
Ava (from The Visionary)
When we first met, neither of us could see
So you must have loved my personality
Your hair smelled of strawberry
I was full of myself, you were full of me.
You loved me until I wasn’t feeling the same
You hurt me, you tore me, covered me with shame
Your lips on my lips, I couldn’t tear away
All you wanted was for me to stay.
But you hurt me, you scared me, I’m forever scarred
Now circumstance has us torn apart
I just hope I don’t see your unseeing eyes again
Would it have been better if we just stayed friends?
The nameless boy
He loved the carnival.
The bright colors, the Ferris wheel, the smell of butter and cinnamon, the sound of laughter.
He was only allowed to leave once a week. They didn't follow him because they knew he'd return-he had nowhere else to go.
And he always went to the carnival. He had no money to go on the Ferris wheel, to taste the butter and cinnamon, to laugh with the other kids he was never able to play with.
But he could still see the colors.
The bright reds, yellows, and oranges of the rides and tents, the baby blue of the sky, the rich, luscious grass.
Once a week he could see it.
He could take the beatings, the ever searing pain of hunger, and the non-stop work in the pitch black dark, because once a week he got to see the colors.
The Flight of the Samara
Let it go, dear friend, let it go.
You are not alone in your grief.
Sit down with me here, on the river bank.
Rest a while by the cool and purling water,
And listen how the river sings to us.
Let someone else hold the world together.
Let others shout, and stomp, and pound on doors
While we lie back and lose ourselves in the clouds.
Like the flight of the winged samara,
Life should be carefree, without design,
A glorious dance in the wind. And nothing more.
It would be simpler, less of a hurting thing,
If we were never to reach out--
To live without purpose, or direction, or love.
How merrily the samara waltzes through the air,
Whirling and twisting as it blows along,
Tossed about capriciously
Until, with the dying of the breeze,
It falls, fluttering, to the ground--
On a hillside, perhaps, or in a meadow,
Alone--yet not alone.
That would be nice, would it not,
To end the journey so quietly,
To let the warm forgiving earth
Cover us over and fold us in,
To sleep and dream
Until we waken to another springtime
And new beginnings.
Photo Album
For your first photo
They dressed you in white,
Pure like the sunlight
Or like the horse of a knight.
With those tiny hands
Trying to grab me
With slow movements and eyes half closed
I took a photo while you posed.
You were such a little monkey,
Climbing every tree
And camping in the tree house.
You invited me there for tea,
We had sweets, plums and biscuits;
Biscuits from the kitchen,
Plums from the garden
And sweets from you sweet heart.
“No cleaning just fun” you said
But every night I would go to pick up the crumbs
While you counted sheep.
You told me every dream,
About seeing the world, each dream a new place.
No nightmares- I wouldn’t allow them.
She was so pretty.
She made you smile
Even more than I did,
More than any other kid.
Playing sky pirates
Up there in a tree.
My heart skipped a beat
Every time that you picked a sword,
I know it was plastic,
But why not just use a stick?
Why did you grow?
I was so happy…
We were so happy…
What happened to my battery?
For when I came to our home,
Broken from work,
A little monkey came like a horse,
Running into my arms for kisses.
But our bitter arguments,
Cruel statements
And stupid doubts
Stole my battle companion.
And here we were:
A smile with no honesty
And a heart with no candy.
For your first photo
After the knot:
They dressed her in white
And you in black.
So she would be the light
For the darkness.
Both together, ready for a new fight,
Ready for a war.
She’s a new world to explore,
You would need some help.
I gave you what I had
And what I’ll never have,
For you never to be sad,
For you not to be poor,
For you to explore,
For your travels.
Look at us,
My dress, soft green and brown,
A kiss on your crown,
Free from any frown.
An empty space,
No photo ever came,
Not one, not two or any.
No photos of the world,
No time
For seeing flags
Or Ridding banners over the seas,
Or anywhere.
Not fair,
In the future
When you’re like me,
You won’t have a battery.
My last photo,
Taken on this bed,
Where I have slept
And been fed.
Holding the macramé butterfly
Made by your girl
Sat beside me; and you,
My earl,
Holding my hand.
Now, remember dear,
Everything in the past is dead,
And it died for you and for us.
Remember that,
When you visit my grave.