I just want to write the thoughts that are trapped in my brain. That's all.
Perhaps lost in translation?
As writers, it is inevitable that someone would misinterpret or even disregard something based on what you write. Perhaps they'll even think you're someone completely different.
In any form, write about something your worried people will misunderstand, have already misunderstood, or misinterpret about your writings. Perhaps even write about something people assume about you based on your writings |Max of Two entries allowed|
i'm worried i'm trying too hard, that people don't take me at face value. writing has always been easy for me. it's simple to put little bits of myself into art. it's not always this painful passion, it's just this thing that's always there. after a long day i just write about it. when i can't talk i write, when i feel too much i write, and it's not very romantic.
i'm attempting honesty through art because god knows i can't speak it and it scares me that people might think i'm trying to be someone. i don't know who i am and it doesn't hurt all that much. i'm just writing about it all. not pushing anything, not faking anything, just writing. sending little love letters into the universe and waiting for someone to write back.