Let it rain
Why did you awaken with a soul
filled with rotteness? Shouting rude
obscenities to the rain?
The plants grow, the trees stand tall
the rivers fill and spill into the ocean
the desserts rejoice for the downpour
the crops and fields of grain overflow
….because of the rain.
Would you awaken, stretch and yawn
unthankfully cursing the dawn
because it’s just too early?
If your inflated arrogance thinks that it can...
why not just stop the sun from shining.
Adorned in dresses with white cotton collars
Bought with sweat, tears, and hard earned dollars.
Head held high amidst stares and disdain
Shedding those shackles, and invisible chains.
Wearing tattered clothing is not her style
Fellas check her out...they like her smile
Shaking her finger at the neighborhood flirt
Swaying her hips and swishing that skirt.
Don’t get too close, don’t come on too strong
She’ll quickly dismiss you and say that you’re wrong
Her stare will temper your once prideful stride
You’ll hang your head in shame and jump in your ride.
See No Evil
Because you know the deal
your lame excuses….inexcusable
your blatant lies…squashed
your half-hearted pleas’s…worthless
your once shining position…shattered.
Surely you saw this coming
the destruction you skillfully maneuvered
the fault is yours…your fatal lot in life…all yours
All honest fingers point at you!
You squint and frown because the truth,
sharp as a double edged sword
aimed at your wicked heart
will silence your evil spirit forever!
Like an arrogant tree, your roots will die
And you will pay!
It’s time for some football
Is he afraid to throw
the oblong thingy
slipping thru his fingers
shielding his head as he
braces for impact?
With each failed attempt
to toss it to a helper
my blood pressure rises
words spill out of my mouth
unfiltered and descriptive.
Playoff’s always wreck my Sunday.
It’s your decision
You have the power
to push the dismal darkness
from your mind
and make room for the light
that you have resolutely
hidden deep within your soul.
Take your restless aggressions
and generate truth and peace.
Open your discerning doors today
and allow the happiness you hunger for
to blanket you with warmth
as a mother does a newborn,
tightly swaddling your shivering heart.
Throwing your weight around
Excuse me sirs, but is it too much
to ask that you bend just a little
or toss your lush green manes aside
and provide warmth from the sun
to those of us that are not of your stature.
Has your magnificence allowed
all of you to grow haughty with pride?
Do not selfishly stifle the growth
of the diminutive ones.
You’ve no doubt heard the idiom
“The bigger they are the harder they fall.”
Que Sera Sera
As the power they assumed
they had over this me-first
generation swiftly diminishes
where is your grasp…
your safety net
as you read of mothers
tossing their infants into
rat infested dumpsters
standing on street corners
looking for the ultimate high
that will take them out of their
dismal reality, albeit briefly.
How bleak is their future
as they relentlessly search
for cloud nine?
We watch…and do nothing.