Seductive Kisses
As my eyes slowly close,
you lean into my seductive embrace
The smell of our hot breath
dancing and entwining
As our lips vigorously passionately
touch and taste each other
In that instant you realize the intense heat
radiating from my swollen puckered lips
Hmmm...aroused I see,
you cheerfully tease
In one quick motion you
sharply inhale just as I
lightly bite your lip nervously
Then a low growl escapes
your luscious lips
I tautly push my body against you
rhythmically we arouse each other
With nothing more than sensual kisses
and our sensualist bodies
Cowgirl Up!
Every time you're cowboy puts you down on your knees,
Cowgirl up!
When life doesn't go just as you may please,
Cowgirl up!
When you pray to God, please for an eight second winning streak,
Cowgirl up!
When you're Cowboy gets down on just one knee and you feel your whole body.... Shrink to the size a little pea,
Cowgirl up!
Power of a kiss
You know that, one of all time
stimulating kiss that
renders you pathetically helpless
The kiss that is so full of passion
it sends your head whirling
so viciously your rendered completely inadequate to think much less to function
The instant our eager lips touched
it was pure bliss as if someone had lit the internal flame
His lips are like wet paint being cast out in a wave on a black canvas
Showing all his love and pain
one fiery vigorous kiss
in exchange for empty words
As I kiss thy lips another passionate time...
It was different this time
Where did the spark go?
In the blink of an eye it was over
Seductive Kisses
As my eyes slowly close,
you lean into my seductive embrace
The smell of our hot breath,
dancing and entwining
As our lips vigorously passionately
touch and taste each other
In that instant you realize the intense heat
radiating from my swollen puckered lips
Hmmm...aroused I see,
you cheerfully tease
In one quick motion you
sharply inhale just as I
lightly bite your lip nervously
Then a low growl escapes
your luscious lips
I tautly push my body against you
rhythmically we arouse each other
With nothing more than sensual kisses
and our sensualist bodies
Love Spell
Surrounded by hundreds of,
spastic hyperactive teenagers
A sea of endless colors,
huddled in intermingled clusters
Through the dense crowd my eyes
wonder till...
I lock eyes with the torridity,
stare of his sultry amber glaze
His virility radiated off him
I was stuck there lost,
in his steamy trance
I found out later I actually
had a chance
Our romance was that
of the books
I admit I fell hard under his
hypnotic trance
Heck I even planned on,
him getting in my pants
Shhh..pretend I didn’t say that!
Bring on 2021
Oh Lordy,
Forget the year 2020!
Damn, sure didn’t give me,
fame and glory.
Seemed to rush by in a hurry
Oh Lordy,
Forget the year 2020!
Dang year caused me,
heartache and lots of worry
Oh Lordy,
Forget the year 2020!
Thanks to COVID schools started closing
I started posing as,
a teacher with no warning!
Oh Lordy,
Forget the year 2020!
Incomes stopped pouring in
So this Christmas everyone’s,
pockets are pretty thin
Oh Lordy,
Forget the year 2020!
Let this year be in our,
Rear view mirror in a hurry
The kids and I need to,
live our life without all the worry
Thank God,
The year 2021 is full of wishes,
to come for everyone!
Powerful Love
Two hearts
beat as one
That's a Powerful Love!
Two souls
merge as one
one heart one soul
Thats a Powerful Love!
One invlnerable heart
one impregnable soul
one indestructible marriage
Thats a Powerful Love!
One inexpugnable marriage
five indomitable children
one formidable family
That's one Powerful Love!
One heart that is redoubtable
with its soul and five
little undoubtable hearts
Following in their parents footsteps
That's a Powerful Love!
This families insurmountable
heart and soul prove
without a doubt
That's a Powerful Love!
86 words
Wedding Day
Still over a year away, till my blissful day.
When my father shall give me away.
Everyone waiting for me to throw the bouquet.
My loving husband ready to drive us away.
Little sister begging us to stay.
Chipping birds ready to carry rice away.
Oh, what a beautiful day we shall all pray.
Little brother excited to spray the car in his very own way.
Wedding day jitters are here to stay.
Mother trying to rush us on our way.
For there are shorts and a tank top calling her name waiting to be tamed.
Plenty of pictures to go into frames.
This will be the end of my wedding day.
Fuzzy, unfocused, or maybe even hazy.
My mind has been poisoned at my fault.
Find myself wishing for the restart button. To clear all these foggy thoughts.
Poisoned by all the horrendous images poured into my head all these years.
It's no wonder we have all gone madly sick.
Answer me this...
When was the last time you just sat and pondered?
Not soon enough, like don't you see?
They are allowing us to poison ourselves so we can't see. The terrible, cruel, and mean world this has come to be.
Flee now with me! Block out the poison and negativity.
Cast out that rock and be pure and free.
For you will no longer poison me!
You Are My
Do you have any idea exactly what you are to me?
You are my everything.
You are the light at the end of the dark tunnel.
You are my heartbeat.
You are the concrete that holds together our beautiful family.
You are my Prince Charming.
You are that rare man that took that place in their hearts.
One man dared to stay and play the dad’s way.
You are my lifetime love!
You are my lover but, even more you’re my world and best
You are my comic relief when things are not as, they are meant to be.
You are my caring arms when, I need more than a hand.
You are my eternity!
You are the confidant our kids sometimes demand.
You are my forever written in the sand.