Loving you
There isn't any point,
In me telling you all the reasons,
Because the truth is,
I love you for no reason at all.
I love you for you,
And there isn't anything I would change.
And even if your beautiful smile turned hideous,
Even when your skin becomes wrinkled,
Even when your hair starts falling off,
I know that I will still love you,
Because the truth is,
I love you for no reason at all.
You don't need to be rich,
You don't need to be smart,
You don't need to be famous,
You just need to be you.
Because the truth is,
I love you for no reason at all.
Would you rather love someone for a long list of reasons, or love someone for no reason at all?
Describing color to a blind person
Feels refreshing and cool,
Relaxing and smooth.
Blue feels like a sky of possibilities,
Or a window of opportunities.
Blue smells like salt when you jump into the ocean,
With the waves swirling around you in magnificence.
Small amounts of water is very light blue or transparent,
While the ocean is a deep enchanting blue.
Blue sounds like waves lapping on a beach,
Or even the sound of a seashell.
But while blue is calm and relaxing,
It is also cold,
Blue is winter,
Blue is your hands when they’re cold.
Blue is beautiful,
Terribly beautiful,
It can make you happy,
And sad at the same time.
But blue is also a bright summer sky,
Bringing a smile to your face.
Blue are snowflakes falling on Christmas eve,
Blue are children creating snow angels.
Blue is an enigma,
A fresh new idea,
Eyes that tell a story.
Blue is troublesome,
It makes you feel lonely.
Feels refreshing and cool,
Relaxing and smooth.
Blue feels like a sky of possibilities,
Or a window of opportunities.
Accusations (of murder)
I put on my plain orange jumpsuit,
Always the same color,
Always the same design,
I hate it here,
All they serve me is disgusting food that I can’t distinguish,
The cages aren’t meant for claustrophobic people like me,
I try to tell them I didn’t do it,
I scream to get their attention,
But they don’t give me a second glance,
I try to tell them they’re trying to frame me,
But they never listen,
I tell them I’m not lying,
But they won’t believe me.
I sank down to my knees,
Thinking to myself what I had done to deserve this,
No I didn’t deserve any of this,
I’m not a murderer,
But they won’t listen,
I don’t belong in this cage,
But I have no choice,
I can’t escape.