The seagulls never sounded so close before, but then again the wind had never blown them this roughly.
The harbor threw fires of light in the evening sun as Lady Liberty watched over those deadly rays. These rays had pierced mine eyes before. The difference now was that they brought pain and clarity. I would never pursue these yellow boats as a tourist, I would never walk through Central Park in jogging shorts, and no matter how hard I scrabbled and scrapped at the cusp of an income, it could never be mine.
She stares down upon the world with those permanent eyes and points to the clarity of the water below. The water today was no longer murky, but alive. The wind had seen to that. I was done with the lies she'd taught me and followed her eyes to the water instead. Here at last was something reaching toward me, here at last was something within my reach. The waves beckoned and I leaned.