The First Cerlew is full of Woke
The first cerlew is full of woke
Shone on the slumbers of the golden leaf;
Hold my treasure, and hold my wing—
I kneels before her at full length,
The purple flowers of an town;
Hold her out in a robe of light,
Light as a yellow Albatross—
Sorrow was in the thou between us
Kept her sad way, and mourned her wealth,
Pale as that bright light heard the ray,
Unceasingly thine eyes this solace dim,
Night was in the lonesome night,
Pale in each purple violet bank.
The Blessing of life
We are blessed with a family,
Full of love and joy and laughter.
Through all the ups and downs of life,
We stand together
The mountains stand tall and proud
Their peaks reaching for the clouds
They've stood for centuries, a testament to time
A legacy they leave, of strength and sublime
The animals roam free and wild
Their beauty and grace, always beguiled
They leave a legacy of balance and peace
In nature's great tapestry, they never cease
The rivers flow and the winds blow
Nature's symphony, a constant flow
A legacy of life, of movement and change
In the natural world, nothing stays the same
The trees stand tall, their leaves afire
In autumn's glow, a thing of desire
Their roots run deep, a testament to growth
A legacy of strength, from the soil they loathe
The flowers bloom, a splash of color
In spring's fresh air, a new life to foster
They leave a legacy of beauty and delight
In nature's great garden, a welcome sight
The sun sets, a fiery orb
Nature's canvas, a canvas outpoured
It leaves a legacy of warmth and light
In the endless cycle, day into night
The moon rises, a silvery glow
Nature's rhythm, a dance to know
It leaves a legacy of mystery and magic
In the heavens above, a celestial attic
The stars twinkle, a sea of light
Nature's wonder, a wondrous sight
They leave a legacy of inspiration and awe
In the vast expanse, a cosmic law
The oceans roar, a vast blue expanse
Nature's power, a force to advance
They leave a legacy of depth and mystery
In the great unknown, a boundless history
The thunder rumbles, a sound so bold
Nature's fury, a sight to behold
It leaves a legacy of awe and respect
In the face of nature, a force to protect
The rain falls, a gentle shower
Nature's cleansing, a refreshing power
It leaves a legacy of renewal and growth
In the cycle of life, a force to show.
"The journey's end, a sense of peace
I stand and gaze upon the fields
My work is done, my soul released
The Good In Life
The dolphin leaps and twists through the air
So graceful, so free, without a care
It revels in the joy of the sea
And the carefree lifestyle it leads
The hummingbird flights from flower to flower
Drinking nectar and basking in the sunshine's power
It dances and sings with all its might
Embracing the carefree life with all its might
The eagle soars above the mountains and valleys
Gazing down at the world with its keen eyes
It lives in the moment and takes flight
Embracing the carefree life with all its might
The lion roars with pride and strength
It roams the savannah with grace and length
It lives for the moment and takes its time
Embracing the carefree life with all its might
The bear roams the forests with ease and grace
Gathering food and basking in its place
It lives in the moment and takes its time
Embracing the carefree life with all its might
The wolf howls at the moon above
Roaming the wilderness with fierce love
It lives in the moment and takes its time
Embracing the carefree life with all its might
The fox dances through the fields and woods
Playing and chasing without any stress or moods
It lives in the moment and takes its time
Embracing the carefree life with all its might
The rabbit hops and plays in the grass
Grazing and resting as it passes
It lives in the moment and takes its time
Embracing the carefree life with all its might
The squirrel scurries through the trees
Gathering nuts and playing with ease
It lives in the moment and takes its time
Embracing the carefree life with all its might
The deer roams the forests and fields
Grazing and resting without any stress or yields
It lives in the moment and takes its time
Embracing the carefree life with all its might
The Majestic Elephant
With a trunk so long and a spirit so grand
The elephant roams the savannah lands
A creature of great strength and might
A symbol of life's enduring power and might
Their presence is a sight to behold
Their majestic gait a thing of pure gold
Their wrinkled skin a tapestry of tales
Of a life lived with grace and style
As they roam the earth with purpose and pride
We are awed by their beauty and their stride
A testament to the wonder of life
And the gifts it brings to all who know
The Dance of the Deer
Through the forest, graceful and free
The deer prance and skip and leap
Their movements full of grace and ease
A dance of beauty and pure delight
Their antlers, tall and proud and strong
Their coats, a rich and glossy brown
They are the embodiment of life
In all its wild and wondrous ways
As they frolic and play in the meadow
We are mesmerized by their charms
A reminder of the joy and magic
That fills this world with love and light
The Dawn Chorus
As the sun rises on the horizon
The birds begin to sing their song
A symphony of melodies
Celebrating life's sweet dawn
From the robin's cheerful trill
To the thrush's melodic tune
Each voice a unique expression
Of the beauty that surrounds
The cacophony of sound
Fills the air with joy and mirth
A celebration of the morning
And the gift of life on earth