Prince Charmings
Their hair never turns grey, did you know?
I picked him up on a rainy evening, because you know,
he only rides a bicycle (hard core environmentalist/unemployed)
What should have been a perfect night at the KIMO
was a terrible drag. He wouldn't eat the free popcorn!(You know I eyed him suspiciously for that)
Then we ran into my old crush who tells me to date more and he is with that girl his age (who he broke up with soon after)
Then this leathery faced 60 year old with the Lord Fauntleroy blond locks tells me about hating his ex wife's new husband.
Whaaaat? OK he is not into me.This morning I see him on Facebook 2years later
marrying the fair maiden and he in his white puffy shirt.
It just isn't fair. Just because I hate fairy tales.
At the time it was the perfect move
to cool ivy and my own swimming pool, not second guessing the premonition of them selling the place
out from under me, or the price.
I have to nest back in the river basin
and find some biologists to love
the cars speed up here and the
Votive candles in the median
are a sure sign that life is cheap.
Being Crazy
The driver took her to the wrong place, No No your GPS sucks!
I had to take a tiny pill to catch my breath, they are almost gone.
Green tea felt very good today
but drinking beer felt better.
He stomped and chanted on my ceiling all day today, I want to move.
That crazy woman says her neighbor
left a swastika on her stair. I'm cool