Stuck in Wonder
i splish splash
i dilly dance
I sing a song of sixpence
The crowd moves in a rhythm I am not used to: stiff and linear. I can tell they’re thinking for when one interrupts their thoughts, a swear word escapes the mouth. I gasp.
I push through, I am not going in that direction. A puddle. Oh Joy. I jump in. i splish splash.
“F-ck you!” screams the one who got sprayed. I crouch low and whimper. The blow does not come. Adults only hit children and I am not a child, am I?
I withdraw from the crowd and walk on the thick railings, humming a tune as I lose my balance. I fall. I laugh. New battle scars. I’m proud. i sing a song of sixpence.
I meet my friends. We’re a cheery lot. You’re too cheery I tell myself. I keep as reserved as I can. Why does adulting have to be boring?
A song is playing. I sway a bit. i dilly dance. Oh look. I’ve lost my ‘friends’.
Nevertheless I soak up the sun. It’s my birthday today but I know I have not aged.
i splish splash
i dilly dance
i sing a song of sixpence
Each opportunity I get,
is a newfound hope for the next.
Chocolates & icecream my parents supply,
cheers me up when I cry.
Small games & competition that I win,
stirs the hidden me within.
New chances pass my way,
‘You can still go on,’ they say.
Inspiration always comes by,
& to me they never say goodbye.
Meaningful Words
Words might just be blots of ink on a page, but they have power. They might be simple sounds carelessly uttered from a mouth, but they can crush confidence and provoke anger. Words might be soft and emotional, cried in the midst of war, but they have the power to arise courage in the hearts of men. Words might be sung from the bottom of a hurting heart with no one listening, but they have the power to reach the ear of a great God who can turn sorrow into dancing. Words might be little things written on a little square piece of paper, but they have the power to bind hearts or separate them. They have the power to start wars or end them.
Embers in My Heart
The embers in my heart,
Turned into a pyre,
Surrendered from the start,
Igniting the fire,
That’s tearing me apart!
Soothed by the warmth,
That love can provide,
Always bringing forth,
Reasons not to hide,
My soul is transformed!
It is no longer cold,
Loving her is my part,
Feeling it in my soul,
Her, the muse of my art,
Dousing out the coals,
The embers in my heart!
Perfect is Imperfect.
Perfect is imperfect.
If theres no problems, we have no fun.
We can't read books with villians, we can't imagine anything we've never been through, and we can't be happy.
We'd always be bored, with no flaws to entertain us.
We wouldn't be able to apriciate goodness, because it's all we've ever know. You don't have to work for anything, and we would get encridably lazy. We could eat a whole package of Nutty Butty Butter Bars with no concequences.
None of us would bee better at anything than anyone, and there wouldn't be real pride. I could ramble about this all day- but my main meaning is, you can't have good without the evil.
No light without the darkness, and no releif without the pain.
We must have; balance.
An idea pops into my head. All of the sudden I feel this sense of urgency to write it down (I catch it!) lest it be a fleeting thought. Sometimes this happens in the middle of the night.
Dear Colgate, please make some dental floss shaped like a tiny pipe cleaner!
A month may pass, and then pop!
Dear Dr Scholl’s, check out the "New York City Sole." They attach to the bottom of any shoe. See the enclosed design. No more blunt contact with cement. With these simple, affordable and waterproof soles people will walk on cushioned surfaces wherever they go.
A day or year may pass, and then pop!
Dear Outdoorsmen, Check out this Fruit Flyer! Talk about R/R after a long day hunting. Enclosed is an explanation of the prototype. The Fruit Flyer makes this possible..floating above ground weightless in a 'recliner,' swaying in the wind while sipping a beer near the fire.
One idea I was sure of got invented just before I could introduce it, "The Lift" (A device used to save the backs of healcare workers). I took this as a compliment.
Dear Gownies, Here it is, the ultimate hospital gown. It provides for telemetry, privacy and practicality for diagnostic tests, elimination, procedures and skin assessment while maintaining patient dignity. It is easy to use and awesome. See diagram of my invention for you, hospitals and all the patients who need it.
One of these days, I will figure out how to properly introduce my ideas.
One of these days I will succeed!
I have to be careful however, because some "pops" are for certain other minds only.
Dear detail shops and retail stores, Here is the simple device everyone needs for the interior of cars. You know those spaces you cannot reach between the seats and under them? I introduce to you the "Skinny Brush." Please see the sketch design, provided. I love mine!
One of these days I will have the "pop!" Which will allow me to retire comfortably and help others even more. I will open "Brainstorming Stores" across the land.
What inspires me? I don't know. I just call it, "Pop."