Life on the run
Life on the run is never easy. The longer you live like that the harder it gets. You sometime dream about stopping. Some of the dreams are good you settle down make some friends maybe meet someone special. That though keeps you warm at night in the dark. Not that you would know how to fall in love you've never had the chance to learn. Youve been running for longer then you can remember. Your mother teaching you how to live alone. Thoughts of her bring for the nightmare. You were only 8 years old and you wanted to stay in a town for a day longer then your mother wanted. It was your first port city and you wanted to watch the boats leave in the morning. She relented she was so tired she had been running si mucn longer then you had and she just wanted to see you happy. They found you that night. You remember your mother pushing into a crate. You hit your head and woke up at a few hours later. There wasn't much left of your mother. That memory is almost enough to make you stop. Not to find safty and happyness just to stop and let them have you. After all it's your fault shes not here. The only thing keeping you going is making sure they don't get it. Your mother gave it to you for your 6th birthday. You have no idea what it is or why they want it. Your mother just said that it was important that they never get it. Your getting old tho and soon you won't be able to run. This this the thought in the forfont of you mind as you look at the girl in front of you. She is young maybe 15. You found her starving and hidding. She tells you see is running like you are. You could help her, teach her and when she ready give the burden over to her. Its not fair you know that, her monsters arnt like yours she could escape them and live a happy life. You offer to teach her anyway after all what's one more life.