I awaken frail as frost
And slough away my dreams
Before dousing the morning light
And pacing dingy streets
The sun's smoldering done
I'm laced with pavement soot
And trail a charcoal cloak
In passionless pursuit
Hypnotic wandering, I breathe
Ashen dust and hear
All life's melodies ringing
Through the blackened streets
Until the ringing rises
And reaches a screaming pitch
That rings
and rings
and rings
A screeching babel and swell
Of banshee whims and wails
A cacophonous shrill
And deafening din which
Ends soon after it begins
Until I hear nothing
Nothing at all, again
Open-Minded Meals
For some strange reason, the vision of the slightly bloodied skullcap looked somehow familiar. Then my eyes shifted focus to the flash of something moving backward and forward in the mirror just to my right, I noticed my face and, someone carving into my brain with a knife and fork.
What’s Behind the Door
The stranger knocked upon the door,
A creaking, wooden throb,
And someone on the other side
Unlatched and turned the knob.
Uncertainty, a soft, "Hello,"
And, "May I use your phone?"
The person on the other side
Appeared to be alone.
An observation taken in,
No pictures on the wall.
He pointed somewhere down the way-
"Go on and make a call."
The thunder boomed; the stranger stalled
As wires were cut instead.
The gentleman began to sense
A subtle hint of dread.
A conversation thus ensued-
"So what has brought you out?
The rain has flooded everything,
And wiped away the drought.
Say, did you walk, or did you drive?
Why don't I take your coat?"
The stranger slowly moved his arms,
A sentimental gloat.
The water from the pouring skies
Enveloped cloth and shoe.
"Say, would you like a place to sleep?
I'll leave it up to you."
The person on the other side
Discarded his mistrust.
The stranger said his tire was flat,
And shed the muddy crust.
"The phone won't work," he also said.
"It could just be the storm.
Perhaps I will stay here tonight,
To keep me safe and warm."
The patron of the house agreed.
He hadn't seen the wire.
The chilly dampness prompted him
To quickly build a fire.
"You have a name? They call me Ed.
My wife was Verna Dean.
She passed away five years ago
And left me here as seen.
I guess it's really not so bad.
We never had a child.
I loved that Verna awful much,"
He said and sadly smiled.
"No property to divvy up.
The bank will get it all.
Say, do you want to try again
To go and make that call?"
The stranger grinned and left the flame
As to the phone he strode.
Within his pocket, knives and twine
In hiding seemed to goad.
A plan was formed- he'd kill the man;
Eviscerate him whole.
The twine would keep him firmly held;
The knife would steal his soul.
A lusty surge erupted hence;
A wicked bit of sin.
The stranger hadn't noticed yet
That someone else came in.
About the time a shadow fell,
He spun to meet a pan.
The room around him faded out
As eyes looked on a man.
A day or two it seemed had passed,
And when he woke all tied,
The stranger gazed upon old Ed
Who simply said, "You lied."
Reversing thoughts, the moment fled
And Ed said in a lean,
"No worries, stranger. None at all.
Hey, look, here's Verna Dean!"
He looked upon a wraith in rage;
It seemed his little lie
Combusted in a burning fit-
He didn't want to die.
So many victims in his life,
Some fifty bodies strewn.
And now he was the victim; now
The pain to him was known.
The stranger fought against the twine,
And noticed by his bed
The knife once in his pocket left
A trail of something red.
A bowl filled full of organs sat
As Verna poured some salt.
She exited with all of them.
"You know, this is your fault.
We demons wait for just the day
The guilty take the bait
And play with matches one last time-
I simply cannot wait
To taste the death within your flesh;
The venom in your gut.
So now you know the way they felt-
Hey, you've got quite a cut!"
The person on the other side
Removed his human skin-
Before his wife came back for more,
He offered with a grin:
"Say, stranger, is there anything
You'd like to say at all?"
I looked at all the blood and said,
"I'd like to make that call ... "
Hush Little Baby...
"Will you just shut up?!" the angry mother lashed out. She threw the dirty bowl back into the sink, splashing murky water everywhere. "Shit!"
She stormed across the kitchen to the bassinet.
"Ssshhhhh..." she picked up the baby, already blue, and cold to the touch. "Ssshhh... mummy's here now. Sshhhh..."
Pluma At Dugo
Hello everyone, I am from the Philippines I am 25 years old.
I chose to use a Filipino username here in the prose, and I also intend to write in my native tongue which is Filipino.
Pluma at Dugo, my username literally means QUILL AND BLOOD.
I chose this username because I do believe that every writer writes not only with our electronic devices or paper and pen but with our hearts which function as a pump of blood.
I intend to use this site to write my heart's content in every possible way whether in the form of poetry, prose, haiku or any form of literature in my language and in English.
I do not know if there are Filipinos here but I hope so.
Thank you.