The Sword Speaks
"One’s Journey to Solitude Is Not Measured in Miles"
Masaoka Shiki:
Sabi. Shubumi. Wabi.
Yugen …
Sabi—Simple rustic seclusion or accepted poverty.
Shubumi—Classical elegant separateness.
Wabi—Nostalgic romantic images. Austere beauty.
Yugen—A mysterious aloneness.
The sword speaks:
Seclusion. Separation. Beauty.
Solitude ...
He left
His eyes
And into
The relentless sun
It glowed
With words
Yellow darts
Vibrancy fading
From lips
A black tar
Into tequila
Into worms
With demons
And dreams
His light
Soul dimming
Into the expansive
Of stars
And shadows
Star Rant
People are enamored with this whole coming from the stars stuff. They talk of galaxies forming and constellations crossing. They want the exploding super nova and hot cosmic debris flailing behind their eyes. I'm a comet burning fresh tracks across the night sky. Dangerous gases and simple atomic structures and secrets of an unknown place few can touch and even fewer actually understand, that's what we are...
People want that star dust like cocaine all lined up. Make me a star baby. I shine bright, I am unique. But we need apps to tell us the names of each star in the sky because only a few actually stand out. Who hasn't heard of the North Star?
The rest are the rest. Sure they're stars, there are so many of them that we look in the blackest dead of space and find enough stars to obliterate our puny Milky Way.
Congratulations we come from stars. So what. You're here now in the flesh and blood, breathing air and getting upset when a flock of birds decides to make your car a shitting ground. You pay bills using electronic money whose only synthetic value is based on the number we all agree on.
We are stars. We are gods. We are powerful masters of destiny. Wonderful I'm psyched! Now what? Does all this power come with a compass because I have no idea where to go. Wait, we're flying through an infinite void we are trying to understand but our minds cannot truly fathom?
We're all stars.