Is this what they call... “love” ?
the feeling of butterflies when you see them ?
the heat in your cheeks you feel when you speak to them ?
the sudden bubbly feeling when they text or email you ?
that feeling of knowing they’re the one immediately ?
i don’t know if this happens to everyone.. but this sure happens to me.
maybe i found my person.. who knows ?
Watching the colors kiss the clouds, dying them beautiful shades of love and adoration for one another. I smile to myself softly remembering what my grandmother used to say. “Sunsets are not goodbye, darling. Sunsets are “see you tomorrow,” and a kiss on your head.”
I have never forgotten..Never.
Day 3
Haha- I missed a day but oh well
If you wanna cry with me over a really sad song I will say yes, and if you wanna be happy, I'll say yes to that too
I absolutely hate when people say that BTS looks gay, or that they look like girls, and when people say they sound the same. Or any kpop idols, really. It bothers me because they work so hard. It bothers me a lot.
I love when you're passionate about something! I'll listen, and see if it's my thing. And if it isn't, I'll make an effort to at least understand your passion.
That's all! Lol I have a bunch of stuff but I'm trying to stretch it out
Forbidden Fruit
He was a tall, dark haired boy with beautiful caramel skin and eyes like honey. His words are always smooth and bewitching, tantalizing even as he whispers hatred into your soul. I am a petite, light haired boy with pale, almost white skin, and I have eyes like an icy glacier. My words make you turn to the light, make you let go of all your fears and bitter feelings.
But.. I am in love with the one I am supposed to hate and fear with all my being. And yet, when he whispers in my ears about how he loves me instead of making me want to give up, I return them, playfully teasing the one I am supposed to run from. His hands, so much bigger than mine as we intertwine fingers, that he has used to strangle countless innocent souls, so gentle when he strokes my hair.
The feeling of pleasure as he kisses my cheek, the same lips he used to plunge many a fair maiden into dispair. The face that looks up from my lap and the mouth that smiles when I scold him. All things that I should dislike. I fear I may have gotten myself into a bind. Love is a dangerous thing..
He strokes the feathers on my wings so lovingly, you wouldn’t believe that he has torn many a pair of wings apart. I, unfortunately love everything about him. The way he looks at me from under his slightly curled bangs, the soft smile I get when I tell him I love him, all the flowers he brings for me. I think that I don’t care what others might say, as long as I have him.
It might not work, and I told him so. He just looked at me, and smiled. He told me that even if it doesn’t work, he will accept the fact. He told me that true love transcends who or what you are. And I think that he is right. He could easily lie, spouting things I want to hear, and instead tells the truth ruthlessly when he is with me. I didn’t ever question his love.
I knew we would be found out eventually. He protected me, and I him. We have decided that we don’t want to be left alone in the dark. We want to be in the light, clarity pure and true surrounding us and our hearts. As a fire rages from the anger cast our way, he pulls me close,smiling. I smile too, because I know that we will be alright. We will be just fine.
And now I think, that Eve did the right thing by biting the forbidden fruit. I think to myself thoughts that I would never dare think, nor say out loud a few months ago. I say things my mother would be ashamed of, without batting an eye. In a way, I have bitten the forbidden fruit, and I have decided to throughly enjoy the nectar.