The Origin
1- 1 When it began, the Goddess sang-
Existence made its way.
Explosions carved the universe
As She unfolded clay.
2 The earth held nothing in its form
Aside from empty dark.
The Goddess crafted sod and sea;
Her spirit made its mark.
3 The angels She created next-
Of wing and feral might.
Emblazoned with a fiery core,
An army willed to fight.
4 And then She said, “Come forth, the light!”
She saw that this was good.
Amazed, the ushered breath and beast;
She crafted earth and wood.
5 A separation of the void,
She called them night and day.
A sphere of fire to keep the morn,
A moon where dark would stay.
6 Upon the realm of Midgard’s turf
In waters rushing flow,
The Goddess spoke and ushered fish
Beneath the undertow.
7 Upon the lands, the angels flew
Ensuring life evolved.
The smallest to the greatest spread,
A manifest resolved.
8 The Goddess called her angels back,
Decreeing, “Be it so-
That all I make shall reproduce-
Increasing ebb and flow.”
9 And Midgard teemed with floral growth;
The fauna filled the land.
The angels blessed the beast and bird
As was their first command.
10 Although the world begotten brimmed
In life of every thing,
The Goddess felt an emptiness
Compelling her to sing.
11 A garden formed of lush delight
Encapsulating all
Invoked as She unleashed a song
And wrought mankind in thrall.
12 The major chords she ushered forth
Ensnared the dirt and mud,
And in her image came the first-
A human, flesh and blood.
Lilith and Adam
2- 1 And so it was, creation bloomed-
The Goddess placed her spark
Embedding every living thing
Between the light and dark.
2 Around the garden walked abroad
A woman of the earth.
The Goddess smiled at what she saw,
Creating in her mirth.
3 She called her Lilith, wrath of storm,
The Goddess lullaby.
She raised her up above the beasts;
The angels in the sky.
4 And though all pleasures she partook,
A sorrow swallowed whole.
The Goddess made the woman sleep
To form another soul.
5 The moment She began her song,
A rib from Lilith spurned
Another- man- as Adam came-
And passion in him burned.
6 Now, Lilith did not like the man-
He tried to rule her form.
But she refused his thirsty lust;
No, she would not conform.
The Descent
3- 1 Rejected, he walked through the wood
Until he heard a voice-
“Dear Adam, you have much to learn-
My son, you have a choice.”
2 The dragon, once called Lucifer,
Had fallen from a star.
Enticing Adam with his lies,
He whispered, “There you are!”
3 As Adam stood before the beast,
A newfound feeling swelled.
“What can I do to make her mine?
To make her heart compelled?”
4 “Oh, Adam, you have every right-
Absolve your flesh in her.”
The great deceiver coaxed his prey
And Adam would concur.
5 Unknown to either of the two,
The Goddess crafted more-
She called them dwarves and others elves,
The myths of ancient lore.
6 As it would be, a dwarf about
The garden heard the plan.
He raced to Lilith, full of fear,
And thus betrayed the man.
7 The garden, Eden it was called,
Invited Adam home.
And Lilith waited, open arms;
Beside her stood a gnome.
8 “So, Mother has created more-
And here you wait for me.
I have a tale to share with you-
An act to set you free."
9 Upon these words, the dwarf appeared
And angels flew below
Arresting Adam ere he stood,
For what, he did not know.
10 “What meaning do you have for this!
I am of Goddess craft!”
Ignoring him, they tied him up
And placed him on a raft.
11 As Lilith watched him float away,
She noticed in his grasp
A piece of fruit from off a tree
Secured within a clasp.
12 The crafty dragon then appeared
And freed the man to dine.
“The Tree of Good and Evil- yes!
Behold- it is now mine!”
13 Of all they were allowed to eat,
The fruit from off one tree
The Goddess had forbidden them-
It birthed eternity.
14 As Adam fled atop the beast,
An an angel came to guard
The entrance into Eden’s realm-
A blazing, shining shard.
15 The dwarves and elves rejoiced to see
The man depart their land.
As Lilith utilized her skills,
The Goddess found it grand.
16 A blessing over Eden’s girth,
Reviving all inside
And laugher flourished plant to plane-
A gift she would provide.
Fallen Angels and Adam’s Daughters
4- 1 Outside of Eden, Adam’s lust
Increased as he would find
A race of creatures, humanoid,
In which his loins would grind.
2 The offspring grew in wonderment
And angels fell from grace
The same as Lucifer had been,
Succumbing in that place.
3 As Adam had him many wives,
So, too, the angels took
To bed his daughters, full of sin,
Depicted in this book.
4 Abominations they produced,
The giants and monsters spawned
Devoured the outer world around
As evil newly dawned.
5 And still they could not enter in
The gates of Eden’s port.
The Goddess kept her promises
And Lilith ruled her court.
6 The angels, each a different brand-
A lion, and eagle, and
A bull defended Lilith’s woods-
And kept filth from her land.
7 For Adam daily tried his best
To take back all denied.
And yet the Goddess blocked attempts
No matter how he tried.
8 The dwarves and elves and other kind
Among the woodland’s hold
Arose to worship Lilith’s Queen
And forged the Goddess gold.
9 Too closely to the outside world
A few dwarves ventured near.
The monsters sensed the wealth and vowed
To offer hateful fear.
10 Again, day out and in, they tried
But Eden’s troupe prevailed.
It seemed a futile quest, indeed
For every time, they failed.
11 The dragon formed a vengeful plan,
And Adam fell in line.
No matter how they changed the course,
The Goddess proved divine.
12 And I would know, for She is me-
We are one in the same.
The garden holds a hidden myth,
And Lilith is her name …
Let the hounds piss on the ground!
Let the hounds piss on the ground
Our work is done!
It was not long when all voices muttered
"We are one!"
It was not long when hands spliced together
Beneath the flag, a nation breathed as one
What a beautiful day to pass before our eyes
We rose from dust, the rainbow drifting overhead
With hope at heart, mountains did indeed
Make way! Behold we were on our way!
The skies seemed to say then...
Let the hounds piss on the ground
Even before the gates to Utopia opened
The flip side was teeming with maggots
Lies lapping tongues spread tarradiddles
Far and wide like sawdust in the wind
See you not then that liberty is not desirous to all
Seeds sown to soft grounds sipped cupfuls of salt
Old wounds done healing now pried open
Fingers wielded—men labeled like stock on shelves
Mothers brooked the lingo of a narcissist
Daughter pure and chaste a subject of locker room talks
Nieces and aunts menaced, nuns manacled
Amid their own little sanctuaries
The war was waged on differently-abled
The era of the hounds commenced with zounds!
An undulating ride to utopia cascaded down
To lowest levels ever recorded in our fine history
Let the hounds piss on the ground!
Our work is done!
A Mother’s Love
Oh baby mine, what can I do?
The darkness has a hold of you-
Bubonic plague, remove the child-
Unloose the babe you have defiled!
Delivery of lifelessness
Is what you left as I confess
A ghost is all that you may see,
However, with eternity
Amazing secrets are revealed.
The truth released is not concealed,
And I am here to challenge Death-
Return my child the gift of breath,
For I am pressing in to steal
The life you take and as I heal
An infant, come and wrestle me-
Oh Death, I offer openly-
Return the fullness of his health,
And I will garnish you with wealth.
You cannot bargain with a ghost?
Contentious fool, you choose to boast?
Unfortunate that you decline.
Remorse shall be your concubine!
The baby you have come to kill
I cannot pass into your will.
Prepare to meet a different fate-
Relinquish him from heaven's gate!
Unhallowed beast, a robe adorned
Is nothing to a woman scorned
For fury of a hellish Saint
Enrages black, the color, quaint,
About your body, nothing new.
Oh yes, my god, I know the view-
A mass of skeletons connive
Unless, of course, I did survive
To cling to life, a purpose, serve
The baby who does not deserve
To forfeit life at your behest-
Oh really, now I pass the test?
And what, I wonder, willingly,
Consider you eternally?
Oh, God above does not agree,
And though a pagan and a tree
Consist of who I used to be,
Destruction of this devilry
Enlists a mother, riddled plea-
Corrupting sickness now must flee!
Away and haunt us here no more-
The child my heart and soul adore
Escapes your grip as in a word,
Resists the measure he has heard,
For Odin's sake, the ravens fly,
Insisting that no child shall die-
Oh Death, take me and haul me off-
No longer shall my baby cough!
Around him, see my light engage,
And though your grimace full of rage
I cannot see in skull bound teeth,
I feel your presence like a wreath
About my neck hung like a noose-
Away! My child is free; is loose!
The measure of the rising sun
Ensures me now your wrath is done
For we are fading in the light,
And as we go, I win the fight.
A baby coos; a nurse maid calls,
So long, sweet boy, your mother falls
As Death and I disperse beyond,
Forever know we have a bond.
A knight arriving joins the fray;
Enables you for brighter days.
Unknown dimensions call me north,
And still I linger back and forth.
A mother's love can conquer all,
So as I pass beyond the wall,
The mark upon your heart I give
Repels the plague that you may live.
Remember me and do not grieve-
I smile as Death and I must leave.
Oh baby mine, forget me not.
A corpse may wither, stink, and rot,
However love is never far-
A simple thought and where you are
So, too, am I- now rest my dear,
And never worry, fret, or fear
Or delve into the realm of strife.
I leave you with the gift of life ...
The Stranger’s Name
As Science woke up, she yawned. Stretching, her arm hit a vase and it fell, smashing on the ground. She swore under her breath as she stared at the ashes. Hearing the sound, her mother came into the room.
"Is everything all right?" she asked.
"I accidentally knocked over one of my vases. Now this poor person is all over my floor," Science explained, "It's all your fault. You had to name me Science and doom me to a life of getting dead body donations."
This was an argument they had often and her mother didn't feel like having it again, so she silently left the room. Science sighed and looked around at all her vases. She didn't even know where she would have space to put the next one that arrived. Too young (and grossed out) to know how to productively study a body, Science always sent them to get cremated. Not knowing how else to honor them, they were in vases in her room. After cleaning up, Science did what she did every day -studied the human body with countless books and internet searches. She was determined to one day make good use of the bodies.
Eventually a break was needed, so Science took a walk to the park. She sat on a bench and felt sorry for herself. She still felt bad about the broken vase from that morning. Somebody came and sat next to her. A stranger approached her. He seemed around her age, so she wasn't frightened.
"What's wrong?" he asked.
Something about the boy made her want to tell all her secrets. Being named Science, the body donations, the vase breaking this morning -she told him everything. Then she made a few more complaints about her name before quieting down.
"You think your name is weird?" the boy asked, "My parents named me GOD."
"They did not!"
"Oh yes they did," he said, pulling out his driver's license, "They're atheists and thought it would be funny."
"Oh my God!"
"Yes my child?" he said and they both laughed.
"I guess that name would suck too," Science admitted.
"No, it's fun. You just have to take advantage of it. I'm sure you could have a lot of fun with the name Science too. For example, if that was my name, I would never do my science homework. You ARE science -isn't that enough? And those bodies you get -sell them to real scientists. You could make a nice profit."
She laughed, "I never thought of doing those things."
Science's friend Amanda walked over.
"Hey, Amanda, I want you to meet my new friend, God."
"Getting religious these days? Is somebody named Science even allowed to believe in God?"
"Not like that. This is God," she turned her head, "Show her your driver's-"
Science cut herself off. She didn't see God anywhere anymore.
"He was right here," Science told her.
"Are you sure you didn't just make him up to comfort yourself?"
God silently chuckled to himself behind some bushes. Hiding suddenly was one of his favorite ways to mess with people. He loved his name. In life, you have to take advantage of the things granted to you. In death, you might as well donate your body to Science.