a mixture of senses
familiar noises reach my head
the sounds of views long forgotten
I wrap myself around
with the feeling of the past
my skin hearing the velvet whispers
of the touch that was once mine
and delivered by your words and pleads
when you asked for more
and I stared at you with my mind
my eyes reading your lips
and the echo of your voice
filling my aching heart
I remember the passion
and yet I forget the pain,
you were the angry fire
against my raging storm
I hear your muscles tensing against mine
and see the electricity
that surged through our souls
I cannot define my love for you
only the taste brought by your smile
those memories I always hear
when the wind brings the touch of spring
so once again
I cover myself with the past
only to see the sounds
that brought me so much rapture
Fresh Sheets
Naked and raw in rhythm of waves,
story written before our birth
in wet whispers between lips.
Sensations of temptations -
an erotic insanity consuming
freedom of silky breezes,
embracing shared secrets,
chills traversing spine.
Lathered intimacy melts
in embrace of fondling
and tasting in rippling
strokes at dusk.
Wild abandon in shadows
of moonlit dew,
silvery shivers, provocative
touches, riding on steeds,
enticing perfume of senses.
Teasing, pleasing, releasing,
moaning, groaning.
Fingers on soft skin
speaking your language.
rumpled sheets of passion.
the zephyr blew
shrill and twirl
caressed his fur
up on a hill
gaze sharpened
wings spread
into the air
he soared
at the foreign sky
he roared
sparked a fire
wherever he flew
over hollow life
he triumphed
painted the blank
with his flame
high up above
to the down below
thus, another hill
be tamed
dreary meadows
now all aglow
swaying grass whispered
broke his sweet reverie
once more
he roared
as his wings spread
he uplifted his holy head
away he flew
catch’d the twilight hue
to the south
he returned
where all southern stars
sparkled brighter
there, he gazed
drown in the sea of thoughts
the winged lion bowed
longing for some rest
under starry sky
he found divine peace
there, he rested
till his golden fur turned all white
the zephyr blew
shrill and twirl
caressed his fur
up on a hill
....for fabien