I imagine getting into gardening at the age of 71. Tending to your garden whilst breathing in the warm, fragrant summer air with all the flowers in bloom has a very relaxing and satisfying feel to it. Turn this into a metaphor and it could signify watching your kids and their kids bud and blossom with the passage of time. I also imagine I'd be spending a lot of time in parks. There's this one near my home, it's called Hilal Park and it's beautiful. It's always buzzing with people laughing and chattering away with their loved ones yet it's something about the infrastructure, the way that the park itself is built on layers of rock that makes one feel peaceful and connected to nature. So yeah I think I see myself sitting there with a bunch of old ladies, chatting away about life and what it's become.
interviewing unpublished writers
he did have a dream
of becoming a
in his youth
but youth doesn’t last
One day he grew up
and had to pick
a real
job. He studied journalism
and became a reporter
It was today’s task
that reminded
him of
the old dream. He had to
interview unpublished writers
A lot of them
and the general
“Why do you write?”
The answers he
got were
quite diverse
“I don’t know,” said one
writer. “I’m just trying to
recapture the feeling I had in
childhood when
my mother used to beat me
until I fell unconscious
and dreamed that
she loved me.”
And another said, “I’m not
sure. I just write
because I can’t
do anything else in life.”
Another said, “I’m still trying
to write the perfect
suicide note to leave
behind. I swear to God, I will
not kill myself
until I write it! That’s
what makes me a writer.
It’s stubbornness.”
“Me? Oh, I’m not a writer. I just
jot down elaborate
torture scenes involving
my ex-husband. If you’ve
read ‘The Room’ by Hubert Selby Jr
you know what I’m
talking about. But nah, I’m not
a writer. It’s just my… way of…
yeah, I’m not a writer.”
“I keep trying to put my dreams
into words. That’s the
kind of writer
I am. Not much of a writer. I
mostly dream about being
raped by my little sister while
our parents are
watching TV in the living room.”
“Who told you I’m a writer?
Well, I mean,
I write stuff, but honestly it all started
because I wanted to impress
some girl. It didn’t work,
of course, she went with another guy.
Since then I discovered that
I’ve a cuckold fetish and all my stories
portray it. I’m not
proud of my work.”
“I’ve seen a man die
before my eyes
when I was a kid. So logically
I started writing
stories about soap carving. I don’t
wanna talk about it. Thanks.”
"I suffer from quite
a nasty
case of claustrophobia. Every time
I come out of
a closed space I get this
inexplicable urge to write. But yeah,
it happens only when my issue gets
the better
of me. I've only written about
six thousand pages or so."
“I killed eight men.
That’s all
I gotta say. Thanks.”
“Well, I guess it all started with
little animals. I loved
to place them in extremely small
cages and then just
watch them day after day
as they grow thirsty and hungry
and desperate. I started writing down
the evolution of their
misery. I grew out of it
when my mother had an accident that
left her paralyzed.
I watched her then. And I learned
a lot. Now I can create
fictional characters that go through
the same. I’m quite good at it.”
“My neighbor has a mentally
ill daughter.
She’s quite cute and… you know,
writing fiction is the only
way I can live
my fantasies with her. Oh, I’ve written
so many thousands of
“I’m a porn addict. It’s gotten so
bad that I can’t get
hard with real women
anymore. The only thing that gets me
hard now is
imagination. I write about
the times when I heard
my mom
having sex in her bedroom
when I was a child. The fact that she
wasn’t doing it
with my dad… somehow gets
me hard. So that’s why I
“I have… restriction orders. The only
way I can reach
the people I want to
reach is through
writing. I’m not happy about it.”
“Why do I write? Well, how else
can I explain
what it feels like to be buried
alive? I mean literally.”
“I am The Holy Spirit.”
“I’ve been abducted by
aliens. Multiple
times. It’s going to happen again.
I know it. I’ve nothing
against it. They
are working on my
brain. This is a blessing. I am
the chosen one. Have you
read my writings? You
should, before I get
published and they censor me."
“Are you kidding me? Why do I write?
Hey, you really don’t know
who I am? I am the woman
who died and came back to life. If
someone has something to
say… that’ll be me. Have
you read my books? They're all online!”
“Huh, why do I write?
Because fuck you, that’s why!”
“Honestly, man, I don’t
“I actually don’t
At the end of the
the reporter
remembered why he never
made it as a writer
and the next day
he interviewed more
Sonnet for Erato
Erato my muse, my love, my quiet sorrow,
you sing your sweetest song like dreams to me,
and when the evening stars foretell tomorrow,
your artful words set thoughts and verses free,
and as the shadows fall and darkness grows,
I see your shining eyes in morning’s sun;
the sunrise fills the world with color’s glow
and as the daylight spreads, the shadows run.
I hear your song in birdsong, chirps and tweets;
I see your light as flowers’ colors gleam,
and sense your power through the mountain peaks.
I hear your secrets rumbling through the streams,
and when I close my eyes you whisper clear
in thoughts and memories, smiles and tears.
On the Horizon
It’s getting dark later
as the sun spreads gold
across the sinking evening
and I feel a big one coming;
I sense a birth looming on the horizon,
an explosion of word pictures,
a night with Erato
and a morning and a day,
and the stars sparkling in the night
are the sequins in her dress,
and the moon is her spotlight
as she dances around me
like a fire spirit,
and I slowly open my mouth
to see what sort of lightning prophecy
seeps out with quiet thunder.
The Title Wouldn’t Be Mine, Either
All those pretty horses gallop away, running from the cities of the plain and into the expanse where I cannot see. Before they broke my hold I shepherded them as far as I could, or drove them—whatever the term is for horses. They want a land my borrowed words cannot paint.
I’m abandoned and flatfooted beside my faceless cowboy...
This story had been kicking around in my files for several months before it found the right home: https://lespritliteraryreview.org/2022/06/15/the-title-wouldnt-be-mine-either/ My thanks to L'Esprit Literary Review for publishing my odd little flash fiction.
Devil’s Den
On isle alone
tan shores gorge
sky blue seas…
Tides travel on
slain beaches, obsidian ridden…
Obscene flames persist
freeing foam roams
grains rife with volcanic relics,
Lava lush as emerald
shards brushed by swooping gales…
Palm trees shredded of
hair-like bark, leaves fallen
cabin fever in Satan's hand…
Death frolics past my lips
carried by journals and dusty books…
Often pioneers patrol dense fields
for artifacts of decades past, some nights
they riot through nuclear winter inland,
Concrete debris, steel demon's
felled, bodies disintegrate,
crismon soil
Where Hellish fruits preside,
germinating in a sporadic pattern,
flames warm polar desert rubble…
I awoke afraid to look out past
vast pardisial landscapes,
Bullets holes and fragile brass
swarmed my watchtower, canvas
tents below flicker, poachers it seems…
Fatal July approaches, June
a phoenix spewing summer solstice
Across alienated rock, I punch
Reinforced walls at times breaching
It's judgmental exterior,
I paint like Picasso,
I bleed like Van Gogh…
Bed sores multiply, I lay down until
I'm ready to eat, sleep fades as I
scroll, invaders below speak
Up every evening threatening to
assassinate me, they throw frags
On my deck hoping to weaken
my war weary fortress, I tell them
not even every nuke left on this
Brutal globe could bring this
concrete monstrosity down,
This is Devil's Den,
A place to dwell, not purgatory,
Barely a means of defense
Whoever was worth saving is
What remains is me.
Black Hole
You look at me
and see a father of four,
good job, somewhat talented writer,
likes to read and drink coffee,
teaches Sunday school at church,
but don’t be fooled;
I’m the one your mother warned you about,
staying up through the wee hours
scraping the outer reaches of my mind
searching for purpose, for meaning
in a world that chews us up and spits us out
like mangled chicken bones,
fighting that urge
for one more drink, one more shot, one more hit,
one more bullet to the head,
with white knuckles bleeding,
howling at the moon and cursing God,
horny as hell,
looking for love in women half my age,
hookers and alcoholics
filling in the cracks in the walls at the bars,
living like a rat
scurrying through the garbage,
looking for any scraps I can find,
like a black hole
that sucks everyone and everything,
all life, all happiness, all goodness
into itself and destroys it,
shattering everything into oblivion and darkness.
But I put my nice clothes on,
stretch my fake smile across my face,
turn my analytical mind away from itself
and towards algorithms and complex problems,
go to my job, go to church on Sundays,
and hope that maybe some of that wholeness
will rub off on me
and not vice versa.
Farewell! (for now)
I bring you sad news, fellow writers. I am leaving The Prose. :(
But wait; don't cry! It's only for the summer!!!
I can see the relief on your face. Come on! I wouldn't do that to you!
So, why am I doing this? Because I've got stuff to do.
Things like weddings, graduations, family vacations, writing (and writing contest entries), work, helping relatives (which I have a TON of) and DIY projects. (In other words: LIFE GETS BUSY THIS SUMMER! And yes, to me, this is a good thing. I like being busy!)
Yeah, I know that it's very sad for you.
Now, don't worry; I'll be back in the fall! And maybe, just maybe, I'll drop by now and then to check on what my favorite people are doing. (For example, I have to read any new chapters of Princess Undercover by PhelaTK that come out. If I don't, I'll go crazy!!!)
Other than that, I will be silent.
I might randomly enter a challenge or write a post.
But I doubt it.
There is a good thing about this, though!
This fall, you can get super excited when I rejoin you! :P
Anyway, I hope you guys don't miss me too much. You see, I've got this idea that there's a few people who might, but maybe I'm wrong. :)
(Hopefully I'm not too addicted to The Prose, or this will be extremly painful...)
So, friends and fellow writers, this is...
FAREWELL! (for now)
A Duel
Sir Riley headed towards a deserted castle deep in the forest. There he waited, for he had sent a note to the villain and they were to meet there.
At noon, he heard a noise. Into the clearing stepped the man that had attempted to murder the princess.
“Hello.” Said Sir Riley.
“Hello, so you found me out.” Said the man.
The man was…Prince Leos!
“I did not expect you to figure it out so quickly. Though, I knew you would some time.”
“I’m flattered. Tell me prince, why did you try to kill her? You were to have married her.”
The prince laughed bitterly. “Yes, I was going to marry her. But I saw that she loved you, and I could never win her heart.
“The reason I attempted to kill her, I wished to hurt her father, the king.”
“but why did you wish to hurt him?”
“So, you didn’t figure that out? Why don’t you guess?”
“Very well, prince. Is it because he killed your father in battle?”
Prince Leos’ eyes blazed, “So, you know that too! Yes, he murdered my father. I know it was in fair fight, but he should not have done so!”
“He did not know it was your father at the time.”
“So? He killed him anyway. When my father was alive, I had a chance to get the throne. I was my father’s favorite son. But he died and left no will. So, my elder brother has the throne. I hate King Ronald!” Prince Leos exclaimed angrily, “And I hate you, too! You ruined my plans!”
“But it is not because of me that you failed in murdering the princess.”
“I don’t care! I’m going to kill you!”
With that, Prince Leos whipped out his sword, and leapt at Sir Riley.
But Sir Riley had already gotten out his sword and blocked the blow.
Then, began the most stunning and skillful duel ever. Prince Leos sought to destroy the man whom, he considered, to have ruined his plans for revenge. Again, and again he stabbed his sword at Sir Riley, but the young knight’s sword always met each onslaught. Finally, seeing his chance, Sir Riley ran his antagonist through the shoulder. The prince dropped his sword and gripped his shoulder. His face was white with fury.
“Now, prince, you can do something for me. Sign this confession.” Said Sir Riley, panting.
“Never!” screamed Prince Leos, in rage.
Sir Riley placed the point of his sword against the prince’s throat.
“Sign it and I shall not kill you as you so richly deserve.”
Sir Riley put more pressure on his sword. Prince Leos went pale. Then he said, ’Very well, if you will let me go free.”
’All right, but I warn you, if I ever see your face again, I shall kill you.”
The prince grasped the pen and paper and quickly signed it.
“Like all murderers you are a coward.” Said Sir Riley, as he took the paper.
Prince Leos glared furiously and would have leapt at Sir Riley, but Sir Riley pressed on his sword.
’Now, get up and ride. Before I kill you.”
The prince mounted his horse and disappeared. Sir Riley gazed after him thoughtfully. Then he carefully folded the paper and placed it in is pocket. He wiped the blood of his sword and then, mounting his horse, he rode away.
* * * * *
“I cannot and will not believe it!” exclaimed King Ronald, “Prince Leos is a perfectly good man, why would he want to murder my daughter?”
“Sir Riley explained it all to me after he had seen the note written by him. He hates you because you killed his father. He might have gotten the throne, but since there was no will, his elder brother has it.”
“Yes, yes. That is all true. But how are you going to prove it?”
“Sir Riley was going to meet the prince and have him sign a confession.”
“Why,” exclaimed the king, “Sir Riley will be killed!”
“I hope not.”
Just then a page stepped in. “Sir Riley.” He announced.
In came the young knight.
“Sir Riley, you made it!” exclaimed Sir Anthony in relief.
Sir Riley handed the confession to the king.
“Prince Leos signed this.” He told the king.
The King quickly read it. He looked up.
’Sir Riley, would you please tell me how this came about?”
“Yes, your majesty, as soon as you release Purvis and John.”
“Of course!”
King Ronald gave orders to release the prisoners immediately.
Then he turned back to Sir Riley.
“Now, tell me your story.”
Sir Riley did so. When he finished, King Ronald sighed.
“I am afraid that I have made a mistake. I am very sorry. But, who gave you the cloak, sleeping powder and sword?”
Sir Riley smiled. He reached out and put his hand on Keven’s shoulder.
“Your son.”
“My son!”
“Yes. He came to my cell and asked what he could do to help. I told him what I needed. He did a good job.”
“Sir Riley, with what do you want me to award you with? I will grant you anything.”
“I want one thing, the hand of your daughter.”
“You want Jewel?”
“Yes, I love her.”
“Very well, if she loves you also, which she has told me she does, you may have her. This matter, dreadful as it has been, has done one good thing. It has freed me of my promise.”
Just then Doctor Harrison stepped in.
“The Princess is asking for you, Sir Riley.”
Sir Riley looked at the king. He nodded. Sir Riley hurried to Jewel’s room. Keven and King Ronald followed.
Sir Riley dropped on his knees by Jewel’s side.
“Riley.” She whispered.
Sir Riley smiled, then he leaned over and softly kissed her.
King Ronald smiled, then putting his arm around Keven, he whispered, “It seems we have gained our Jewel, only to have lost her once more. But, I have gained another son, and you a brother.
The End
(That's it! I hope you enjoyed this story!)
A quiet silence.
Example: “A loud shout broke the quilence.”
Similar: quietness, silence, tranquility, hush, stillness
To order immediate and perfect silence.
Example: “'Quilence!' shouted Jeremy sternly.”
Similar: hush, shush, quieten, silence.
(This is a word that was used often when I was growing up. I believe that my oldest brother was the first to begin using it. Perhaps it is a word other people use; who knows!)