Abuse on Prose.
I write this because I know that there are many here who have suffered through abuse in their lives. The come here because this is supposed to be a safe place to share their work, to share what they have been through and yet... and yet not a week into my beaing here I have been sujected to abusive comments by a memeber and @Prose has done nothing.
So I put out this warning to all who do not want to bea part of something that condones abuse. So please, be aware, keep your eyes open, and don't condone @Prose condoning such behaviour.
As of this moment I am leaving @Prose. I have enough self-repect to not be a part of a site that allows such comments to be made. Or to be a part of anything where there are such people who connot see the difference between right and wrong and who feel the need to belittle and mock and intimate any who speak out.
Emerson over and out.
Ability to Report Spam
While looking through the most recent posts stream, I have run into a ton of marketing spam posts from Chinese market info to vaginal cream markets, often repeating itself under different users. Yet when I try and report it as spam I can't. All I can do is flag it as inappropriate, and even then I am told that it takes three flags to mark it.
Is there an option to report something as spam? If so where is it? If no, is there a chance that the option could be imputed? Even though I am a new member I would still love to be able to help the staff and report these spam messages.