We are Strong
We are good
We are enough
We are good enough
We are precious flowers
Bent by the wind
Only to stand up stronger
We are loved
By ourselves
By our friends
By those we love
We are powerful
Because once upon a time,
We weren’t
We love ourselves
Because a time ago,
We didn’t
We are okay
Because we got through the times
Which weren’t
If you knew the mountain you climbed
Was going to end ill timed
And you were going to fall,
Would you keep going anyway
Just to see what was at the bottom?
Because I would
In either daisy fields
Or sharp rocks
My fate would be sealed
Time to see how my fortune stands
And down I went
For so long lasts my descent
So unsure until I land
I swear you've never seen flowers of such sights
So bright, smelling so nice
And the sun, shining so fair
It almost seemed I was hiking
Through the rain in compare
The sea
A ship called good lost among the sea of evil
The ship got lost among the sea
It got punished by the sea
By the wind
Yet it stood tall
It made the right path through the wind
It rode the waves
That ship made it
The ship didn't drown and become part of the sea
The good always wins against the sea of evil
But what about the other ships?
The ship called confusion
The ship called weak
The ship called power
The ship called revenge
The ship called greed
The ship called heartbreak
They lost
They drowned
And became part of the sea of evil
And yet they didn't have to
They could of rode amongst the waves,
powered through
But they were taken by more than evil
Because it's never just one thing
They were attacked by the wind of choices
It was between one and the other
And I chose the other
Where does that leave me?
Well, it leads me to writing this poem
What would have happened if I had chosen the other?
I don't know
How could I know?
Some people just don't see,
Sometimes not even me
They don't see that,
Possibilities are impossible
Because the possibility for the possibility to occur
Already happened
And you chose one possibility over the other possibility
So that other possibility, couldn't have happened
Is it all planned?
Is our whole life mapped?
I don't know
In the end,
Possibilities and choices
Are always the loose end,
The last what if?
You left without regrets,
Without questions,
Without a thought
Until one day,
The one day you think,
What if?
My mind and I disagree
We're two different parts
Of one individuality
Iʼm overpowering
Iʼm weak
Iʼm conquering
Iʼm meek
The times Iʼm silent
Are the only times I speak
My words donʼt matter
Neither does my opinion
Nothing matters
When even I canʼt listen
I write
To speak
When my mind and my mouth
Both disagree
Iʼm standing
Iʼm lying
Donʼt listen to me
Donʼt agree
Donʼt say anything
Knock me down
Leave me to rot
Iʼm in trouble
My mind agrees
I canʼt say it
Some people canʼt take it
I'll help myself
I'll never stop
I'll keep talking
I'll keep walking
I'll keep writing
I'll keep fighting
In the end
I'll rise
For now,
Iʼm me
For now,
Iʼm nobody
For now,
Iʼm fine
Donʼt listen to me
When you could be
So much better
Iʼm me
And forever Iʼm fine
Because I know
It could be worse
I should be okay
Although, now?
I donʼt know if I am
Monster Within
You can run,
You can hide
You can fight,
You can die
I'll never stop looking,
I'll never stop listening,
I'll never stop screaming
You did this to me
And though I may not find you,
I'm not the one you're running from
You're running from yourself,
From the monster within
The one that took over,
The one you can't control,
The one that turned you into a bag of bones
Can you still hear them?
The souls screaming,
The children crying
Can you still see it?
The moment you changed,
The moment the monster broke from it's cage
Can you still see them?
A family who loved you,
The first to go
I hope you can,
I hope you remember,
I hope you know
So tell me,
Is only your grin hiding the monster within?
The Nobody
They never listened
Not once
Although I had answers
To the questions they asked
They didn't listen
A fading face
One you can never place
I'm the nobody
I don't speak
Why should I?
They never listen
Everyone's almost gone
Except for me
They should have asked
I would have said
Now they're fed
All the hungry beasts
With sharp, sharp teeth
All the people
Who never listened
Should have
Just this once,
They should have listened
To me
I'm the nobody
Not because I have nothing to say
But because no one listened
They didn't even know my name
In the end though, it was the same
Because no one will listen to a face without a name
Who's four feet under
I'm the nobody
You could have been nobody too
But you weren't
I'm nothing
There is nobody
I'm alone
Fine Print
Written on my lips
With a broken tip
Such fine print
You can't see
Unless you look
Read the label
Held up high
For everyone to see
Read the label
The label is me
In a plain black font
Written on the front
There's the label
Giving you the name
But never
The important facts
Read the fine print
If you dare
Read the facts
If you care
Just know,
The fine print
Written with a broken tip
In such a small font
It only says one thing:
This is me
You might as well come out
Because you can't hide
It's coming too fast
The end is nigh
This won't last
This game of yours
Nothing will last
In this game of war
You took a stand
Then you fell
You might as well come out
Or I swear I'll tell
No one survives,
You won't either
Can't you see this is cowardice?
Just stop fighting
Just stop hiding
Just stop being afraid
You can't keep this up
Don't even try
The more you try,
The more I cry
Please stop fighting
Please stop hiding
Please stop being afraid
I need you
In this game of war
That's the only thing
Of which I'm sure
I need you