I Hear Your Thoughts
I opened my eyes and mysteriously found myself standing in a dark setting, I observed my surroundings but found nothing and no one around, just darkness for miles. I then looked in front of me and saw a faint light, so I began to walk towards it in hopes of an explanation as to where I was or a way out. As I got closer to the light I couldn’t help but notice that within each step I took, a painful sensation grew in my head. I stopped at a glowing white sphere, out of curiosity I touched it. Just as I did that the darkroom began to flicker immensely from black to white creating a strobe light effect, along with a blaring siren that echoed in across my surroundings. The pain in my head grew so much to the point that I couldn’t take it anymore and dropped to my knees holding my head in my hands screaming and pleading that the pain would stop.
I regained my consciousness and quickly jolted up in my bed, I frantically looked across my bedroom to realize that my alarm had gone off. I lazily got up and walked across the cold wooden floors to turn it off. I sat back on my bed and grabbed my phone to check to see if I had any notifications, one in particular grabbed my attention.
“Hello! We are I Hear Your Thoughts, would you be interested in a free 24-hour trial?” the message read,
I was generally confused about what the trial was so I texted back,
“What is included in the trial?” I questioned, and responded back,
Not even more than two seconds had passed the unknown number had texted back,
“Alright, your 24-hour trial has now started, enjoy!”
I groaned in annoyance as I had realized it had probably been a scam, I’ll just have to deal with it later. Reading the clock as I was still on my phone, I saw that it was already 7 a.m. and I only had an hour to get ready for work. I huffed and walked over to my wardrobe, I picked out a formal work-appropriate outfit then headed to the bathroom, and started my morning routine. Once I got out of the bathroom, I glanced at my clock, it read 7:49 a.m., a rush of adrenaline ran through my body as I had realized...I was late….again. I ran down the stairs and quickly grabbed my keys and purse, and rushed out the door completely ignoring the fact that I skipped breakfast. I entered my car, started the engine, and sped out of the driveway and onto the road. Thankfully there wasn’t much traffic on the way to work, but it still didn’t change the fact that I was late for the third time. I entered the parking lot, chose the closest parking space, got out, locked the door, and ran to the building door. I rushed to the elevator and pressed the button for the fifth level. While waiting for my level to get off, I took the time to look at the watch on my wrist and find that it’s already 8:19 am, my boss is going to kill me this time, I guarantee it. I got out of the elevator and tried my best to act casual as if I wasn’t nineteen minutes late. Just as I had passed my boss’s closed-door, it’s as if on cue I hear someone yell
“Ms. Leigh, in my office now!” in a very angry and displeased tone.
I slowly turn around and nervously walk into the office. As I enter, I see my boss facing his back towards me and looking out the window that is cast up upon the city.
“ Have a seat, Ms. Leigh,” he said calmly,
I did as I was told and waited for him to say something. He sighs and starts,
“Ms. Leigh, this is the third time this week, you know what that means right?” he says with disappointment laced in his tone.
“ Yes sir, I know, ” I replied,
“Ok then, just put your ID badge on my desk and go and pack your stuff.” he finished.
I took off my office ID card and proceeded to place it on the desk stacked with messy files, papers, and folders. As I made my way to the door I stopped when I heard
“ If she weren’t late all the time I could’ve promoted her ”
I quickly turned and looked back at my boss to see that he still had his back turned.
“ Did you say something? ” I asked with a bit of hope in my voice,
“No, you can leave now,” he responded coldly,
I thought that I had heard him say something,
“ Oh well, ” I thought to myself.
I opened the door of the room and stepped out, as soon as I did all eyes were on me,
“What? you never saw a girl get fired before? ” I said with an annoyed tone.
I walked over to my cubicle and started packing up all my stuff,
“I knew she was gonna get fired, this has to be the third time this week” I heard the person next to me say.
“Gee thanks for stating the obvious buddy, but I could go without your comments,” I said as my tone got louder and more annoyed,
“What are you talking about? ” he asked with confusion plastered all over his face.
“You were just talking about me getting laid off ” I explained, his expression then went blank
“ Did I say that out loud? ” he questioned,
“ Uh duh, of course, didn’t you hear yourself? ” I retorted.
“ No, I could’ve sworn I said that in my head.” I heard him say,
“ Well you didn’t, now if you’ll excuse me I have packing to do,” I said sassily without even bothering to look back at him.
After I gathered all my belongings I made my way back to the elevator, pressed the floor to the garage, and waited. The sound of the elevator door opening caught my attention, and a person who seemed to be an old janitor entered on the third floor.
“I swear, do people know how to flush these days? I’ve had to unclog at least five toilets today” I heard the janitor say as he presses the button for the first floor,
“Sir that’s way too much information,” I say in a disgusted tone.
“Excuse me?” the Janitor questioned,
“I said that you’re giving out too much information” I repeated,
“Pardon me Miss, but I didn’t say anything” he explained with a confused look on his face.
“But I just heard you say that you had to unclog five toilets today, which is disgusting,” I reply, the man then looks at me in shock
“I didn’t say that out loud though” he responds, I then return the look of shock
“ Really? ” I ask with confusion and worry in my tone.
The man slowly nods his head yes and then we both become silent. Once the elevator monitor changes to the first floor the elevator door opens and the man hurriedly gets off the elevator and speed walks off. The door closes again after a few seconds and proceeds to go to the garage. I then get out and start walking in the parking lot.
“Why is everyone so open about their thoughts today, don’t they know how to keep things to themselves? ” I asked myself, walking to my car and lost in my thoughts.
All of a sudden out of the corner of my eye, I see a black car begin to back out of a parking space, in the end almost hitting me. I jump from the sudden occurrence
“Hey! Watch where you’re going stupid, you’re supposed to check your mirrors when backing out of a parking space! ” I yell at the unknown person in the car.
Suddenly a good-looking man around 180cm tall, wearing a navy blue business suit exits the expensive-looking car and approaches me.
“Miss I am so sorry, I checked all my mirrors but I didn’t see you there, are you ok? ” He asks with a look of worry on his face,
“ Uhh, Yeah I-I’m ok, but you should at least double-check your mirrors before backing out,” I say still a bit shaken up
“Well can I repay you In any way, could I get you a coffee or buy you lunch?” he suggested.
As soon as he mentioned lunch a huge growl erupted from my stomach indicating that I still haven’t eaten yet, I awkwardly laugh
“ Lunch would be great,” I replied.
“ Did you have anything in mind? ” he asked
“No, not really,” I respond
“I know a good cafe down the street, is that ok?” he asked
“Yeah, that would be great, I just have to put some stuff away” I responded, hinting at the box filled with my belongings.
I continued walking further into the garage until I found my car, I unlocked the door and gently placed my box filled with my objects in the car, after I put my stuff away I walked back over towards the man that was waiting for me at the garage entrance.
“Ready?” he asked
“Yep” I responded
As we were walking down to the cafe the man would occasionally attempt to make small talk, something I didn’t care for much.
“My names Donavan by the way,” he suddenly said
“Oh, I’m Victoria,” I replied
“It’s so rude of me to wait this long to introduce myself, sorry” He apologized
“No it’s fine, don’t worry about it” I reassured
We eventually stopped walking and made it to the small cafe that Donavan mentioned. Just as I walked in, I was greeted with the smell of freshly brewed coffee and fresh out the oven-baked goods, it was enough to make my mouth water. I turned my head to see that Donnavan had already found a table to sit at and was signaling me over. I sat down at the table and observed the cafe, I heard faint jazz play from the speakers placed in corners of the cafe. It was quite small and simple, not that many people were here either, which made the setting seem more relaxed and at ease. A couple of minutes passed and we had already ordered our food, now we were just eating and chatting.
“So I’m guessing you work at Business BLVD?” he questioned,
“Well more so of “used” to work at Business BLVD” I answered
“What happened? He asked with curiosity
“I got laid off because I was late for work three times this week,” I said apathetically
“Ha, three times? And only in a week? That has to be the funniest thing I’ve heard all day,” I heard him say
“Hey man, I know we just met but I would be nice if you could show a little support,” I said with an annoyed tone.
“I didn’t say anything,” he said with a confused face,
“That has to be the fourth time I’ve heard that exact response before, It’s understandable if you accidentally blurt out something now and then, but the number of times I’ve caught someone blurt something out today is starting to annoy me!” I say angrily.
“Listen, I know you had a bad day and all but I seriously didn’t even say anything,” Donovan said with a weird expression,
“Oh yeah, then how come I just heard you say that me getting fired for being late three days in a week was the funniest thing you’ve heard all day?” I say with my tone dripping in annoyance waiting for an explanation.
Donnovan’s weird expression is then replaced by an expression of shock and realization,
“Ok, I’ll admit that I said that, but those were just my thoughts….can you hear my thoughts?” he said with a skeptical and confused tone.
I then sat there and let realization wash over me...do I have telepathy?
“Now that I think about it, that could be the reason why I’ve been hearing people blurt out things, that could just be their thoughts,” I say finally putting the pieces together.
“So wait does that mean that you’re telepathic? That’s so cool!” Donnovan says with excitement,
“No, it’s not cool I don’t want to go around reading people’s thoughts...it’s disturbing, and besides my real question is why and how?” I asked no one in particular.
“Well can you think of anything that could have let up to this?” Donnovan questioned
“No, not necessarily….wait!” I said realizing something,
“Earlier this morning I had a dream, and then I got a strange message,” I said, scrunching my eyebrows trying to remember.
“A dream….about what?” Donnovan said with a confused face
“I can’t describe it but all I know is that I was in a dark room, I saw a light up ahead, I walked towards it but as I did my head started to hurt, when I was at the light it turned out to be a small sphere so I touched it, and then everything started to flicker to black and white and there was a loud siren echoing, and then I just woke up,” I say out of breath.
“Well, what about the message?” Donovan asked,
“It just looked like one of those scam messages, but with a different name”
I look at Donovan and he just continued to stare for at me for a while like I was insane,
“....Should I take you to a doctor or maybe try therapy?” He suggests,
“No, they’ll probably just assume that I’m crazy, I’m better off dealing with this on my own,” I say sighing.
“Well, how are you going to do that,” He asks,
“I don’t know yet,” I say in a distressed tone,
“Well, you better find a solution soon, because if not I suggest you get used to being a mind reader,” Donovan says standing up,
“My lunch break is almost over so I should probably head back to work, I’ll walk you back to the parking lot,” He offers with a small smile across his face.
I accept his offer and we exit the cafe making our way back to the garage. Strangely the walk between us was completely silent, I couldn’t even read his thoughts.
“You’re not reading my thoughts, are you? Because if so I’m pretty sure that an invasion of privacy,” He jokingly states,
“Oh please, I can’t be bothered to read the thoughts of the narrow-minded,” I teasingly say with a small laugh at the end,
“Ouch!” He says as he dramatically grabs his chest as if he’s been shot,
I laugh at his reaction, and we continue our walk while talking about anything that crosses our minds.
Now that I’ve gotten a chance to know Donovan he’s not that bad, I look forward to what this friendship might hold. Up ahead we see the entrance to the garage and we enter, and a couple of feet away I see my car that’s parked somewhat diagonally in the parking space.
“Well, this must be your stop, but I’d love to stay in touch with you, so if you ever get this whole telepathy thing sorted out, or if you ever need help, just give me a call.” He says with a smile taking out a small card with his contact information and handing it to me.
I take the card and we both say our goodbyes, I then get in my car, start the engine, and drive off. The drive back to my house is relatively quick since the roads are thankfully not that busy like they usually are. I make it back to the house, park in the driveway, but I don’t get out of the car just yet. Instead, I sit in the front seat of the car and think about my situation. What am I gonna do? The fact that I just wake up one day and suddenly have telepathy doesn’t add up. I eventually concluded that maybe if I just get some rest, my brain will function properly in the morning and I’ll come up with some sort of idea. I exit my car and make my way into the house, I leave all of my stuff at the door and head straight up the stairs to my room. I quickly change out my work clothes and put on something casual to sleep in, I then jump in my bed and surround myself with the pillows and blankets. I began to doze off and the next thing I know I was out cold.
I opened my eyes and found myself in the same black room as last time, not knowing what to expect this time and kept a sharp eye out for any mysterious objects in the distance. After a couple of seconds of looking, I soon found the same white sphere that was in my last dream. Not knowing what to expect this time, I took cautious steps towards the object and gently reached out to touch it, all of a sudden like before the room's lights started flickering on and off and a louding ringing echoed across the room. I covered my ears trying to block out the sound and closed my eyes due to the blinding lights. I jolted up in bed once again and looked around to see where the noise was coming from. I looked down to see that It had been my phone receiving a call from an unknown number.
“Hello?” I answered, waiting for a response,
“Hello! Do you mind taking a short survey for-” I quickly hung up the phone mid sentence, I had a feeling it was just another telemarketer.
I checked the time to see that it was only 12 a.m., but just as I was about to put my phone down I got a text message from another unknown number. Now a part of me that was fed up just wanted to just block the number and go back to sleep, but my curiosity won in this case so I decided to read the message.
“Congratulations! You have completed your 24-hour telepathy trial, would you be interested in giving feedback or recommending us to a friend?” the unknown message read,
After I had read the message, without hesitation I blocked and then deleted the number from my phone and then shut it down. I spent a couple of minutes in bed contemplating what just happened in the past twenty-four hours and trying to piece everything together. In the end, I came to the conclusion that whatever happened yesterday is over and done with now. So I shrugged it all off, dove back into my covers, and fell into a much-needed slumber.