A Feeling Like No Other
There are times in life where you feel as if nothing will ever get better, almost as if you you're at rock bottom. Have no fear though because there will also be times where you feel like a million bucks and things can only get better. Now this is one of those million dollar feelings. After 7 long months of nothing but a roller coaster ride, which might I say is well worth it, the month is finally here and I couldn't be happier. Now I'm not saying this is going to be the best time of my life but it is a time like no other and this is something that I really want. The month of December brings so much for me this year. Usually the only thing I look forward to in December is seeing my family and friends and that's about it but this year is different. Instead of a grinch this year I will be nothing but smiles and sunshine. Now I won't be Santa's little helper or anything but I will be so much more happier. I will be seeing my girlfriend finally after all this time and the plans that we have for each other are just so exciting and thrilling. I'm like a 7 year old boy waking up on a Christmas Day. I have so much I want to say but I don't know how to say it. I'm very new at this whole writing thing but I would love to get better at expressing myself and I see no better way to start than with expressing myself with someone that is making me happier by the day and that is my lovely girlfriend. There are no need for names because you know who you are babe. Starting December 10 or holiday festivities will begin. We shall be starting off with the ball and ending with New Years and all other fun things we have planned for each other. She gives me a feeling like no other and I really wouldn't want it any other way. I know I come on very strong at times with her and I love the fact that she is working on understanding me. But as I said I'm not a writer so I will stop here before I talk/write too much, just know that I am happy and though things can always be better I am so thankful for what I have. Never worry about what you don't have because you just might miss what you do have right in front of you.