Writer and poet,
Panromantic and asexual,
Lokean and pagan,
Ásatrú and heathen,
Human and broken, but nonetheless trying.
$20 Juice to Winner | Write your own folk song/story/poem
Must be original. Any culture, any religion/mythology. Any language, though an English translation would be appreciated. I am most familiar with Norse, though still knowledgeable in many others. Does not have to be PG, but for other people please do add trigger warnings to the beginning of the entry if applicable.
'Folk', in this context, is merely referring to traditional. If someone does write a song and wants to include tablature, sheet music, or the preferred instruments; please feel free.
Get in touch with your roots, explore a culture you have interest in, or simply make your own. You have free reign, whether it be a cautionary tale, moralistic warning, a celebration, mourning, or anything at all.
I will personally read and respond to each entry, picking the winner with the piece that I thought was the most well-crafted. I will also choose two honourable mentions who will each receive a $10 juice.
Happy writing!
Ended September 18, 2020 • 4 Entries • Created by DarknessKnows
Of a Snake | $25 of Juice
Write about a snake; physical or metaphorical, abstract or painted, realistic or cartoonish: in poetry or prose. Is your subject akin to the great Jörmungandr or Apophis? Perhaps more humanistic and Machiavellian? Maybe just a simple garden snake on the hunt or perhaps a character in an Aesop fable? The choice is yours, write of a snake. $25 in Juice to my favourite entry.
Ended May 25, 2020 • 13 Entries • Created by DarknessKnows
Of a Snake | $25 in Juice
Write about a snake; physical or metaphorical, abstract or painted, realistic or cartoonish: in poetry or prose.
Is your subject akin to the great Jörmungandr or Apophis? Perhaps more humanistic and Machiavellian? Maybe just a simple garden snake on the hunt or perhaps a character in an Aesop fable?
The choice is yours, write of a snake.
$25 in Juice to my favourite entry.
Ended May 25, 2020 • 1 Entry • Created by DarknessKnows
They called you deluded and combative, you called them hypocritical and toxic. Problem? You’re both right.
How do you fix a problem steadily getting worse and is it even worth with fixing at all?
Ended November 22, 2019 • 1 Entry • Created by DarknessKnows
Winner gets 20$ worth of Juice on their entry.
Pick an emotion and convey it. Whether it be sadness, anger, happiness, or anything else; write to make your reader feel and feel deeply.
Side Note: Each and every entry will get a personal comment from me, as well as a like and repost.
Ended September 17, 2019 • 48 Entries • Created by DarknessKnows
Share your proudest piece of writing, no matter what it is or when it was written. Was it the first thing that inspired you in writing? Is it so stupid that it brings joy? Is it the culmination of your effort and skills? Regardless of the content, share what you are most proud of creating.
Ended June 13, 2019 • 45 Entries • Created by DarknessKnows
Write of the strongest emotional moment you’ve ever had, no matter the emotion or the situation. May it be good or bad, try to create something strong enough to show what you’ve been through. Is it an emotional retelling? A look back on life? Something you wish to be forgotten? Or perhaps even a moment that hasn’t happened yet? Something you wish desperately to happen or a dark fear you would hate to ever come to pass?
Ended April 22, 2019 • 2 Entries • Created by DarknessKnows