"I'm in hell. These voices in my head, they're whispering to me, they tell me to do things, evil things that I don't want to do. I cant silence them. The more I try the louder they yell. why wont they just SHUT THE HELL UP..." Zoe Andrews fell back in the hard wooden chair, screaming and clutching her head in her hands.
Dr. Whitney Grey, quite startled at the outburst of this normally subdued girl, sat back and felt her pocket to ensure the pistol was still safely nestled inside.
Over the short few weeks Dr. grey had been seeing her, Zoe, who had been sickly in appearance to begin with, had taken a turn for the worse.
Her skin was drawn tight over her cheekbones, her eyes were more hallow and bloodshot, and she had grey streaks in her hair at the early age of twenty-three.
"Take a deep breath Zoe, and continue when your ready," the doctor urged in a reassuring tone. Zoe raised her head and re-rested her arms on her lap, then sighed, and resumed her hundred yard stare out the window.
"There's not much more to be said doctor. But I still have to keep visiting you, don't I? otherwise they'll send me right to prison. but I don't want to go to prison. I don't deserve it. Prison is for bad people, and I'm not a bad person. Those police, they are the evil ones, they wont listen to me, no one listens to me, and those who do don't believe me. I just want to go home. I just want to see my family." Zoe said all this rather accusingly as though she blamed her doctor for everything that had happened to her.
"Zoe, you attended the funeral of your family jut last week. After you killed them."
"Their...dead?" Zoe whispered softly.
Tears welled in her eyes as the doctor nodded slowly.
"NO. they cant be dead. YOU PROMISED. YOU PROMISED YOU WOULD LEAVE THEM ALONE...you promised...you promised...you promised..." Zoe repeated stubbornly over and over again banging her head in the arm rest of her chair. The doctor jumped up and held Zoe's head in her arms to prevent her from reaching the chair again.
"You don't remember killing them?"
The doctors hand inched slowly toward her pocket as she stared in horror as Zoe broke down completely, allowing whatever sliver of sanity she had managed to grasp onto till now float away like a leaf in the Autumn wind.
"YOU'LL PAY," Zoe shrieked spitting at the doctors, her face contorted with rage.
"Zoe, I want you to calm down and tell me what happened on October nineteenth, the day you were brought in here," the doctor spoke calmly despite the storm her nerves were stewing up inside of her.
"I wanted to find peace, that's all. All I wanted was a freedom from the burden of life. And when the voices started whispering to me, they promised me everything I wanted. I should have blocked them out, I should have told them to go away, but I was weak, and desperate so I allowed them to lead a blade to my skin, to poison my body with drugs, to strip me of my emotions one by one till all that was left was the pain."
The doctor listened intently as Zoe rambled. Zoe was completely unaware of the world spinning around her. She was lost in the deepest most irretrievable parts of her subconsciousness. The girl was as good as dead and the doctor knew it.
"But I had my family, my beautiful loving family. I couldn't hurt them like that. taking my life would break them, I loved them too much to see that happen. But I couldn't stay. I couldn't face the pain, I was already starting to crack from the pressure. I knew I wouldn't last much longer. So I saved them in the only way I knew how, I put them at peace. Saving them from the pain of this world. And now I am getting harassed for it, people are calling me a murderer. I am not a murderer I am a good person. I put them at peace. They are in a better place now thanks to me."
Zoe stopped and the doctor glared at her with pure hatred.
"You didn't help anyone, stop lying to yourself. You killed them because you were too scared to face yourself, the real you, the evil one."
Zoe glanced up at the doctor, who was now standing intimidatingly over her, with tear-filled eyes.
"That's not true. They are happy now..."
Zoe put her head down on the desk in front of her, her body wracking with sobs.
"I'm sorry, I didn't know."
"Of course you didn't. you didn't care to know. the day you murdered them was the night he was going to announce our engagement to you and your family."
"Don't use that word I don't like it, I helped them I didn't murder them."
"Your insane. You are completely insane. Your family is sitting in heaven hate watching your miserable existence right now. They despise you for murdering them."
"Don't say that. They know I meant well."
"Maybe so, maybe they do forgive you. But I know I never will."
"what are you gonna do?" Zoe whispered her voice quivering with fear.
"I'm going to give you what you wanted all along. Rot in hell you son of a bitch..." Whitney snatched the gun from her pocket and sent three bullets clean through Zoe's brain.
"Help me dear lord, I don't want to do this anymore.." Whitney whispered her cheeks stained with tears. Then she lifted the gun to her head and ended her own eternal hell....
Voodoo dolls and black magic
Beneath that blank stony expression
In the oblivion of those glassy eyes
The devil approaches his throne
The terror begins to rise
Fires of hell are flaring
The darkness of night is unleashed
Chaos of war is blaring
The weapons of evil unsheathed
Death and fear united
To coax on this horrifying war
The wrath of hate, unbounded
Shakes the world to its core
The loss is quite tragic
As the witches broomstick flies
Voodoo dolls and black magic
Within those glassy eyes
Voodoo dolls and black magic
Beneath that blank stony expression
In the oblivion of those glassy eyes
The devil approaches his throne
The terror begins to rise
Fires of hell are flaring
The darkness of night is unleashed
Chaos of war is blaring
The weapons of evil unsheathed
Death and fear united
To coax on this horrifying war
The wrath of hate, unbounded
Shakes the world to its core
The loss is quite tragic
As the witches broomstick flies
Voodoo dolls and black magic
Within those glassy eyes
Where the vampires roam
She skidded to a halt on top of the dew-kissed grassy hill and stood there, still and silent, like one of the stone statues in the park below. Angry red burns and dark black bruises scarred her perfect features; her busted lip painting her chin with streaks of scarlet.
It had been weeks since she fed on anything but scraps found in the dumpsters of city valleys and her body was more skeleton than flesh and blood.
They had been chasing her for months now, weapons sharpened and guard dogs trained to track her scent.
The night air was crisp and her ragged breaths fogged at her lips as she exhaled. She knew she didn't have much time before the dogs caught her scent again, (they had lost it when she crossed the river) and then the chase would be back on. So she stood and drank in the peaceful silents and gazed up at the sky where hundreds of stars twinkled at her; their merry twinkling mocking her.
A howl pierced the silence, and another and another till the chorus was so loud she saw lights flickering on one by one in the nearby town.
Eyes widened with fear she ran for the town, praying to be able to feed properly. she just needed more time; a bit more time.
The world blurred around her as she streaked down the hill, keeping her eyes focused on the small town ahead.
Spotting a man up ahead she reached out to grab him.
Her fingertips brushed against the soft skin at his neck.
She felt his heart pumping and the steady pulse of his artery.
And a wooden stake slid cleanly through her heart.
A hunter stared hatefully down at her as she crumbled to the ground and her skin dried, crumbling to ashes that floated away on a gentle breeze.
Then he and his tribe turned and walked away.
Their job was done.
The last existing vampire was gone.
They were safe at last.
She was an angel, the child was, pure as gold and crafted by the tender hands of g-d himself. Flawless as a porcelain doll, she was born, her eyes dancing with sunshine.
When she was born the dark cellar her mother had gone into labor in lit up with the light of a thousand joyous stars, but her selfish mother neither noticed nor cared. The child was a sign of the love she had lost.
You see, this woman was a nun. Served the most respected reverend in all the land she did. in the world she lived in love was unheard of, until she met him, john Williams, a well respected author of many exquisite novels. When she saw him her heart did a rather strange thing, pounding and dancing the merry jig of love. At first she shrugged it off, excusing her desires with a nonchalant shrug of her shoulders but soon it grew too much and she gave in.
When the miracle happened she panicked. And when she told her love that she was pregnant he claimed he never met her and never wanted to see her again. He disappeared from town the next day. She never saw him again. Declaring to the reverend that her mother was deadly ill she fled the country only returning after the child was born. From the steps of an orphanage in the country she had fled too, came the pitiful cries of an abandoned child. Such was her selfishness she couldn't bear to be in the same country as her child of the fear of losing her reputation.
The child grew up an orphan, unloved, and miserable. She was passed from orphanage to orphanage, unwanted by all, till the color faded from her cheeks and the diamonds in her eyes were shattered to the very sharp shards that pierced her heart.
Then one day he appeared at the door of the orphanage, a handsome stranger. He told her it took him months put he put everything he had into finding her.
"I'm your father," he tells her, his smile not reaching his cold eyes. Joyous tears of relief spilled down her cheeks. Her imagination wandered to magnificent places, living with a real family being loved and cared for.
"Can I finally go home," she asked her lips curving to the first smile in her lifetime.
"Do you know why you are here," he replied a cruel smirk curling his lips.
she shrugged, she never did understand why she was left alone.
"because I didn't want your mother," his glare broke her heart. "and your mother didn't want you."
Soul-reaping, blood-seeking, cruel heartless war
Spirits afloat, as rivals gloat, oh the horrors of war
Fists raised high, with a ringing battle, cry oh the fear of war
Strike death with a sword, pray for mercy from the lord, oh the hopelessness of war
And yet they fight,
For dread filled nights,
Through the all-devouring darkness of war
Hovering at the edge of the cliff
I feel your breath on the back of my neck
You're pushing me further, watching me stumble
You treasure the fear in my eyes and the screams of pain on my lips
And when I fall over the edge at last, you extend your arm in evil kindness
For in death I am free of you
Your whip scars my back and your words stab my heart
My pure innocence shattered to deadly shards
You're the devil, my life is your hell
You hold the reigns, I pull the wagon
You drink my blood like wine as you watch me struggle
Bound in ropes of your hatred and sins
You mock me as I wail, my tears trailing crimson down my cheeks
The world is swallowed in darkness as I cower in your shadow
And in vain you try to break me, over and over,
But you fail
You fail because I am already shattered
Shattered into a million irretrievable pieces
That float away in the breeze
Freeing me at last
The dead boys are awakening
Listen oh deaf ones
watch closely oh blind ones
the dead boys are awakening
their rusted swords arise from their scabbards
all night you hear their armor clang clanging
Fear oh fearless ones
surrender oh victorious ones
the dead boys are awakening
sliding their swords clean through your heart
your soul their metal is reaping
Fight oh cowardly ones
flee oh brave ones
the dead boys are awakening
scouring the streets with Medusa's glare
in your homes you shall lay shivering
Die oh immortal ones
weaken oh powerful ones
the dead boys are awakening
death hovers near, just out of sight
run for your lives, a ghost town in the making
Run oh paralyzed ones
trust oh non-believing ones
the dead boys are awakening
swiping the young out of their cradles
a tale of horror they are spinning
Obey oh rebellious ones
sob oh heartless ones
the dead boys are awakening
they'll chase us out with pitchforks and torches
and fiddle while our houses are burning
And the eternal night
we cannot fight
cause the dead there is no killing
That girl
That girl
her voice is a song
her beauty is enchanting
her laugh irresistible
her eyes sparkle with humor
drawing me in
Like a fly to honey
And when she brushes by
Her skin against mine
it's a drug
I dodge and run but my emotions just chase me
they haunt me
I want her.
That girl, when she smiles.
she doesn't know what she's doing,
my heart is pounding
my blood is rushing
That girl, she's an angel
and my hearts floating in heaven
She sits on twenty third street.
She sits on twenty third street with the cats and the mice,
her eyes darting wildly, her hair crawling with lice.
She sits on twenty third street, in her clothes so old and worn,
her name she can't remember, or the year she was born.
She sits on twenty third street swapping tales for loaves of bread,
speaking of horror and of fear, of love and of dread.
She sits on twenty third street watching and waiting,
oblivious to everyone's pitiless hating.
She sits on twenty third street on her little folding chair
sinking deeper and deeper into her despair.
She sits on twenty third street with her cackling mad laughter
waiting for her prince, for her happily ever after.