Love’s Finality
Relinquished myself as captive,
the handcuffs dig deeper drawing blood
dripping like teardrops from your lack of words
As the explosions of Armageddon wave around us, deafening
Shove my face into the dirt beneath your boot, I smile
At least a reaction, disregarding the pain
Violent outbursts of light flash rapidly
Before the darkness of peace
like falling asleep
I just discovered a poetic style called the haiku sonnet. It is comprised of four haiku followed by a couplet of either five or seven syllables. Let's give it a try. Please tag me!
The tattered man sat
Asking for work- not money
I spared a few smokes
He lost his home to
the storm swallowing in-lands
waiting on FEMA
Another warned him
he'd get arrested simply
for sitting outside
A business looking
guy asked for a cigarette
before I could move
the homeless guy handed one
those with less always give more
Prose Challenge of the Week #38: Write a piece of micropoetry about what summer means to you. The winner will be chosen based on a number of criteria, this includes: fire, form, and creative edge. Number of reads, bookmarks, and shares will also be taken into consideration. The winner will receive $100. When sharing to Twitter, please use the hashtag #ProseChallenge