Humans are so chimplike in our
We posture and pose with a title
To tide us over
Or a taboo
To tuck in our crevices
Exchanging feathers, and sticks as though
They matter when its mostly
Tribal really, racial or familial
The in-chimp or the out-chimp
And so worried about the bananas if there
Are enough to go around
Could we be a better species?
Could we leap from the branches
Through our branching neurons
Into you-win and
And enough bananas for
All the monkeys so none must
Cry big tears and hunch their hairy
Sobbing shoulders
Or must we beat our chests
And be top or
Bottoming all the time
Lowering the common
Denominator of our
For Dalton
It is a red slash unit
And I am the lucky girl
With a propane torch
Strapped to her back
And a match
And I will set that shit ablaze inside a glorious summer day
Full of flame and black smoke
And I do not care if I know how to get out of it
Because I am the lucky girl
With the gift of fire
And it will burn burn burn
A night and a day and
Forever if you let me
Drip torches, and helicopters with exploding balls, and 22 flare guns, and a
A terratorch! You let me spit flame in napalm
Widening arce flying through the air
Sighing with content
I make small circles with gasoline in dry grass and watch the wind
The wind takes it up the canyon
And sparks fly they fly through the air to more sparks in
Whorling patterns of
Orange bright
Glorious destruction
Ash will come later
For now I am content with heat
And the aliveness of burning
Transmutation of one dry thing
To another live thing
To a thing that is empty
And nascent for replanting
In the spring.
Or never, because ash has its own haunting beauty years after the flame is gone.
So don’t let me near your red/heart
Because I will set it aflame
If only to watch it burn.
Me, my many selves
Those women, we say
The ones with fat hips
Dresses falling off their shoulders
Windblown hair
Sloppily applied makeup
A glitter in their eye
Those you can kill-destroy-embarrass-rape
Those you can impregnate without consequences
Those you can describe on locker-room walls
The poor ones
The ones with different features
Different hair
Who worry about paying rent
Who wear glitter in the daytime
The ones who jiggle when they walk
Whose boots go-go
Whose teeth shine in the night
The ones who want you to pay for dinner
You know the ones
The ones who got drunk and lost their friends
Didn’t say no loudly enough
Flirted, kissed, started, and did not finish
Called you handsome
Ate with crumbs
Danced with too many partners
Whose fathers didn’t care
Rode the bus, the subway, walked on the sidewalk
Those you can touch, they won’t mind
No one will listen to them
The ones who swayed their hips too far
Didn’t have a boyfriend
Made a coarse joke
Were not feminine enough
Painted nails, lips, the drinking straws of mojitos
Pop-rock lickers
Who looked at other women with appreciation
Who lust at life
Who love when they want to, as if it was up to them
Those women had it coming
They knew better and did it anyway
Spread their legs wide when they sat
Stayed too late at work
Ate with their mouth open
Thought they were better than you
Cried too much then
Interrupted you when you were speaking
Bested you a time too many
Whose makeup dripped below their eyes
Those women
Me, my many selves
Those women are also…
The archetypal layer
Once I had a spiritual
Awakening and awoke
To see the
Core of the world layered like an
Onion first the
Self self-serving seriously flawed
Then the
Past lives living loops into now
Through the
Ancestral line of linking threads
To the archetypal
There are more, grids and colors
Shapes and sounds but
Ohm my we don’t need to
Cover that here I want to
Speak if speaking suffices
Of the gods and demons
The crone and crow
The maiden and marred beggar
The archetype in a vast
Twisting tapestry
Kaleidoscoping endlessly
We assume that the building blocks of
Reality are somehow geometric
Perhaps biological a twist of DNA or
A circlet of quarks
But I think now that I have
Seen it although who would believe me?
That the building block of
Reality is
Stories telling turning twisting
Pan and Pandora
Puck and Pippi
Peter and Paul
The phoenix
We are clay people molded from
Multicolored parts of story like
A five-year old sticks together
Play dough
Sometimes smeared but mostly just
Abutting poorly adhered
With parts falling off sometimes and
We don’t even miss them
As we turn another face
In another mask
To the fray
I was sick with the problem of consciousness
So I took tribal medicines to be better
And now I’m better
Not sick
Physician heal thyself
Is a starting point.
I wonder where it will lead
Now that I am Well.
Not sick.
I had better learn to be Well
Physicians do not know this yet
How to be not sick
Not sick does not need a physician to
Be better
It is already Well
So wellness
Is to be something else
Now that I am Well
What will I be
That is not sick
I think I will be...
Alone, never
Wished for often
Never achieved
No secrets in the psyche
We push them backwards into the universal billboard that is our face
Can you see my scars?
I used to try to hide them, now I wear them proudly
Perhaps too proudly
Seeing scars is no great feat
But can you
Iron them out?
Press them into shining stillness?
Perhaps if you could,
Should you?
Are they decoration, perhaps artfully arranged
Do we really want our scars
Undone, doneover, destroyed...
Open spaces
I wish I could gift you
Open spaces
You child of the city
Veteran of a thousand skirmishes
On the concrete playground
Heart stoned behind
Pewter eyes
I wish I could give you the sobs
That come in clean
Air when you lungs burn with
The fine, fine victory of
Shuffling footsteps and the not-giving-up
And you look down on the
Wooly backs of tottering
mountain goats
I wish I could give you clean pines
And fresh scat and the scattered blood
Of a real hunt
And a proper ceremony with a fresh heart stilled
And the gratitude of true death
In the right place and time
What I want to say
Is that there is nothing wrong with you
Nothing at all
You were simply compressed, into something smaller than you
True size
By fear and poverty and lies that someone told you
Or your parents
About what you could be
What I want to say is that
You are clean, and filled with
Awe and the stars hang
Dropped in your eyelashes
Like snowflakes
At night and when you see them you will know it to be
And this is
What the mountains would tell you if they
If you let them if I gave you
Open spaces
Underpants and atheists
It was the 11th hour
Past breakfast, and just before lunch boxes
When you decided
Not to wear
Your clothes
Years ago, my brother
I would have held you down and
Bitten your ear
Until you complied
But I am now much older, and you
Very small
Staring down at you staring up
Arms akimbo
Your small frame rigid with
I felt that biting might be
Off the table
Nanny’s have
Greater responsibilities than big sisters
Not to use force majeure
In robing, or
Tiny charges
I made a swift decision
Based on a complex history of
Early child development
Bumper-to-bumper traffic patterns
Scrappy pluck
And crafty calculation
And I told you that if
You could not comply with
And good judgement
We would go to school
In underpants
You shook with the magnitude of
And forthrightly stood your ground
I must confess an admiration for your
So into the car we went
Arms and legs flailing
Wrapped in a seatbelt
And staring in awe
At action and consequence
We drove to school in
There was a moment there in the
Back seat
When I saw you watching the trees
And cars we passed
With a tremulous
You had crossed into the
Unknown, the captain of your own
And your bare skin
Was off the edge of reason
And into the
Weightless air of possibility
Your brother was
Trembling with the aftermath
Of adrenaline I helped you dress in the
Backseat of the car before
I had secretly brought your clothes
And you were so grateful
To put them on
Walking in with
A small bright plastic
We shared a strange collusion
In the normality of our entrance
And ever-after a friendship
That is difficult to explain
Because I had not let you
Fail or fall or
Flounder alone at the
And I wonder sometimes if
This is how God
Thinks of