OMG! 100+ Followers. I am speechless. Thank you all for so much support. Though I am not very active on Prose I am so overbrimming with happiness.
So maybe I will be doing a few changes. First I have made a new profile picture. Secondly, I will try my best to socialize more in this community and try to be consistent.
Also, I am thinking to thank all my friends who have supported me... So Let's start...
1.Tushar: OF COURSE! DO I NEED TO TELL YOU HOW MUCH SUPPORTIVE AND ENCOURAGING YOU ARE!!!! You have always been really very sweet and such a good friend. I am literally crying because you are my backbone. (I tried my maximum to write a better scientific word but you know XD)May you achieve all your dreams very soon. <3
2. Mishthi: you ARE SO SWEET JUST LIKE YOU NAME. You are my best friend. God! you have supported me a lot. I love talking to you. After talking to you I feel so relieved... I can't express how sweet you are...Maybe I will get diabetes because of your sweetness <3
3. Poetri: You are really very kind and helpful. All your poems are amazing and you are a source of inspiration for me. <3
4. FoxLilly106: Honestly, you are the reason I am on Prose. I have never seen someone so polite like you. You are like my younger sister. God bless you.
5. Ernaline: THANK YOU SO MUCH for all the support. You're a very active member of the community. It is wonderful having you in the community.
6.DylanRiley: You are very sweet and encouraging. Your poems are so skin-deep, that I don't have words...And we think similarly! I love your passion to do what you want to.
I am sorry if I missed out anyone. I would definitely love to connect with you... Once again THANKS ALOT!!!!