Why Repay you
Why repay you,
You of all
People, why you?
What you taught
The innocent me,
Has turned my life to disaster,
Dark endless voids are my life now,
What I value is thrown down into darkness,
Due to knowledge you gave me, monster, they call me,
A witch, a tyrant, a liar, a beast, a failure, a nobody.
Yet you think I pay you back, for a secret,
That killed families, friends, people
Who knew nothing of me? You
Made me this mess, this
Monster that has
I fear you don’t know
The real me, the
Person hiding
Inside, waiting, for a hope,
A light at the end of the tunnel,
For something to fill the void, the void,
That you made, to swallow up my world.
I roam the deathly depressed blackness of my
Own mind, I pass happy memories, sad, I pass the
Fear of turning on my life, believing this ‘Doctor’ this
‘Miracle worker’ this lie that didn’t exist, I fell for your lies,
Your tricks, your lack of compassion, empathy or sympathy, you
Yourself told it wouldn’t change me, ‘for science’ your raspy voice had
Sung into my ears, as a needle full of genes was pumped into my own
System, you told me to relax, everything would be fine, but lies had
Been Schemed, so your experiments could continue. So you could buy
All the time that you had, to get out of dodge, so you could plan,
Plan to destroy all I had. Plan to ruin what I fought for, what I
Worked so hard to earn, people had respected me, the real
Me, the real being hiding inside. You made my people
Look like heartless things, things who cared not for
The lives of the innocent, for the kind, weak, or
Young. Lies are my life now, I run from people,
So I do not hurt people, yet something keeps
Searching, searching for the person within,
The reality that used to be me. The life I
Lived, the friends I made, family, and
Company I kept. I did my best to stay
Upbeat, even at rest, but just like the
All before me, and all after I die,
We told a lie, and that lie sent
Us to our doom, our fate, our
Destiny, our own demise
Of trusting those who
Lie. Those people I
Hope, do learn to
Forgive my cry
My cry of ,
My cry of…
Of wanting to die.