Fligh High
Fly high,
like an eagle in the sky
Spread your wings lets see you fly
Let them see you your strength tonight
And I know
your the truth the heavens sent
To help the world mend
The broken hole inside
That's driving us all blind
You are the answer that we need
The solution we desire
Oh, Wont you come and take my hand?
As we go on and inspire
You are the one that we need (that we need)
To make it alright
You are the one we been seeking
All these years days and nights
Won't you come here and fly
Won't you come here and fly
You are my hero, and to thousands as well
There is no fear (no) when you come and you spread (Your love)
There is no hate when you sing your song
Cause you just keep on pushing on
Wont you help this generation, to see the light
And make this acclimation, that we will be just fine
And just
Fly,, like an eagle in the sky
Spread your wings lets see you fly
Let them see your strength tonight
And I know
your the truth the heaven sent
To help the world mend
The broken hole inside
That's driving us all blind
You are the answer that we need
The solution we desire
Wont you come and take my hand
As we go on and inspire
You are the one that we need (that we need)
To make it alright
You are the one we been seeking
All these years days and nights
Won't you come here and fly (x2)
Discourage is known to us all
When we have to be brave, most of us we just fall
We wanna be strong
But what can I say
When discourage takes over, hope burns away
But I want you to keep holding on
Dont stop till your there
And if you feel that your gone
Fly high, like an eagle in the sky
Spread your wings lets see you fly
Let them see you your strength tonight
And I know your the truth the heaven sent
To help the world mend
The broken hole inside
That's driving us all blind
You are the answer that we need
The solution we desire
Wont you come and take my hand
As we go on and inspire
You are the one that we need (that we need)
To make it alright
You are the one we been seeking
All these years days and nights
Won't you come here and fly
Cause we want you
Won't you come here and fly
The Teller Part 2
Suddenly, the orange toothed lady appeared in his new vision as a type of hologram. “Ooh Jacquan, I see you have successfully placed the bgni on” she laughed a girly giggle “I remember all these years ago you would tickle me as you would put it on my back. Anyway, Jerome would enter shortly to give you instructions. Stay put.” Jacquan did not know what was more disturbing - the lady’s life less smile or the fact that he used to tickle her. Almost exactly after the lady left his vision, a short man, no taller than 5 ft, with a tray of strange tools pushed open the huge steel door. “Jerome here, how may I assist you”
Jacquan paused for a second before answering “Um some lady said something about an initiation she told me you were coming. Honestly, I really don’t know what’s going on. I just woke up here with nothing and now I have to keep contact with some weird women and to top it all off I have no memories”
The man’s eyes widened and he appeared to lose the balance of his tray.
“Um, um you must be hallucinating” he clearly lied “You may not have remembered much after the senseless murder you committed a couple of days ago. But to some up the series of events, You have raped and killed a young girl, lost in court and now you are placed in a high security prison.
“R-raped?” Jacquan was uneasy with the thought “Um okay.. But how would you explain the lady who said you were coming, and did I forget to mention I have a whole new set of eyes in the small of my back, and It’s not like I have a small memory loss, seriously dude, I do not know who I am and…” Suddenly, Jacquan felt his vision blur and a stinging pain in his neck. Before he dozed off, he saw a small man removing a claw from his body. When jacquan gained consciousness, he overheard a group of men talking next to him. Not wanting them to know he awoke, he cleverly lifted his shirt and watched them from the eyes on his back.
What he saw was Jerome as well as two much bigger men who appeared to be twins.
“You mean to tell me he is the Jacquan” said one of the larger men “Jerome when will you cut your bullshit”
“I mean the information speaks for itself. He said he received a new set of eyes and Priscilla talked to him about an initiation. What more do we need to make the conclusion-”
“How are you sure that it was Priscilla, we could’ve sworn she didn’t leave the domain”
“ I-I don’t know- but who else hands out bgni’s?"
“So the boy” said the other large man “What did he say about himself”
“He appears to have a complete memory loss”
Jacquan slightly shifted his position to hear better as the men were whispering now.
“This can’t be” the large men said in unison “Priscilla’s promise is occurring, and Jacquan will soon be initiated”
“The universe was so ripe” said the smaller man weeping now “who knew it would end so soon”
The three men then left shutting the steel door. Leaving Jacquan on his uncomfortable mattress, terribly trying to understand all this new information that makes absolutley no sense.
The Teller First part
I woke up with a start. My heart was racing and my blood was pounding against my skin. After I struggled to catch my breath, something horrible hit me.
I realized I was in a completely unfamiliar room. As I looked around, I found I was in an isolated room with a single mattress, a steel door, and a sorry excuse of a curtain. So the idiots that put me here couldn't even give me a blanket. I shuddered as an even scarier thought crept through the back of my mind. Who am I. There is no memories of my past life nor ideas of where I came from available in my brain. In fact, the only proof I even exist is the flesh of my body and my racing thoughts. The steel door slowly creaked open and a lady with scaly hands and long grey hair tied in pigtails entered the room. “Pleasant surprise, you awoke huh Jaquan?”. Her mouth smiled to produce watery orange teeth but her eyes remained in the calculating glare she had when she first walked in. “Exquisite” she said laughing now. She walked forward in a strange manner, lifting one leg forward as far as possible before moving the other “your initiation will soon begin. Please wear your bgni.” The strange women than placed a metal that was a similar shape of a crescent moon on the palm of the boy. After a few salivated chuckles later, the creepy woman left with the same abruptness she arrived. At first the boy’s logic told him that he had no idea with what to do with the stupid metal, but his intuition told him to put it in the small of his back. Before he had the ability to realize the senselessness of his urge, the bgni had come into contact with his back and molded into his back dimple. “How did I?” he muttered to himself. Jacquan took a moment to process everything that was happening to him. Isolated room, Orange toothed lady, metals that fit into backs. This has to be an elaborate joke. There is one thing that made sense though, the lady called him by his name:Jacquan. As Jacquan held on to the single piece of information keeping his sanity, he noticed a slight uncomfort in his back. He lifted his shirt to touch where he placed the bgni and he felt something lubricated and round. The uncomfort in his back heightened as he blinked. Being curious, he closed his eyes to see if there was a correlation between his eyesight and his uncomfort. What he found was astonishing : he can actually see from his back. Although there wasn't much to see from behind him, he definitely had a new set of eyes.
His hands intertwined in my own, while his eyes focused on the depths of my cornea
I smiled before I realized how blessed I am to be incorporated in the story of
Me and him
With all those teacups that were shattered through anger, and all those laughs that had sprouted through joy
Our love produced nothing but magic, nothing but tenderness, and our little boy
Do I deserve the breathtaking blessing of obtaining the “one”
well that I do not know
But will I ever take for granted the magic disguised as love?
Not if I have legs to move, and nerves to think
For the focus we give each other, will last forevermore
Change in Fate
How strange things came to be
Alas, like a purple cow,
After all, I thought I could succeed,
Past, the thought accumulated more than now
and with all hope, it slowly gotten hungry, hard
much like a starved rock
As I heard their prideful auras mock
who I became.
In their vision, I'm not the same
As success, when success gives its all
With my discourage I still soared high, where heavens call
I was determined as I soared up
but then I’ve realized my fate, whilst witnessing angel falls.
with no sight of courage,
Death appeared with blood orange.
Fell (song)
Touched, by the things that you showed me
Loved, the way you made me feel
And in turn. I was Hurt
by the things that you said
And was killed by the silence you spread
And with no hopes of seeing light
What happened next was that I..
Into the darkness of my pit
Knowing well
Exactly what I would commit
Reminiscing and forgetting about the times I once had
It’s all slowly, drifting at bay
I didn’t change, didn’t ask for help
’Cause hope was far away
Just fell
I surrender
To the demons in my mind
While I remember
Exactly what I Was trying to find
Happiness, love success is but a dream now that I’m gone
They say life gets easier with time, but that’s easier said than done
(Be strong) Is what they say when they don’t realize, this is me all the time
(Hold on) I just cant hold on to the pain in my mind
(In time) na na na no na no, there’s no time to waste
I must leave, I just must escape
They say it’s scary and they cant see what I see
But now that I’m gone (hey), I’m finally free
(Just fell) into the darkness of my pit
(just fell) knew, I knew what I commit
(Just fell) wanna reminisce wanna forget about those times
(just fell) those times are gone, it’s far away, and now i...
I Just felL
Fell (song about suicide)
Touched, by the things that you showed me
Loved, the way you made me feel
And in turn. I was Hurt
by the things that you said
And was killed by the silence you spread
And with no hopes of seeing light
What happened next was that I..
Into the darkness of my pit
Knowing well
Exactly what I would commit
Reminiscing and forgetting about the times I once had
It's all slowly, drifting at bay
I didn't change, didn't ask for help
’Cause hope was far away
Just fell
I surrender
To the demons in my mind
While I remember
Exactly what I Was trying to find
Happiness, love success is but a dream now that I’m gone
They say life gets easier with time, but that’s easier said than done
(Be strong) Is what they say when they don't realize, this is me all the time
(Hold on) I just cant hold on to the pain in my mind
(In time) na na na no na no, there’s no time to waste
I must leave, I just must escape
They say it's scary and they cant see what I see
But now that I'm gone (hey), I’m finally free
(Just fell) into the darkness of my pit
(just fell) knew, I knew what I commit
(Just fell) wanna reminisce wanna forget about those times
(just fell) those times are gone, it's far away, and now i...
I Just fell
I Fell (song)
Touched, by the things that you showed me
Loved, the way you made me feel
And in turn. I was Hurt
by the things that you said
And was killed by the silence you spread
And with no hopes of seeing light
What happened next was that I..
Into the darkness of my pit
Knowing well
Exactly what I would commit
Reminiscing and forgetting about the times I once had
It's all slowly, drifting at bay
I didn't change, didn't ask for help
’Cause hope was far away
Just fell
I surrender
To the demons in my mind
While I remember
Exactly what I Was trying to find
Happiness, love success is but a dream now that I’m gone
They say life gets easier with time, but that’s easier said than done
So I Fell
Into the darkness of my pit
Knowing very well. (Mhm)
Exactly what I just commit
Reminiscing and forgetting about the times I once had
It's all slowly drifting at bay
I didn't change, I didn't ask for help
’Cause my hope was far away
So I just fell
(Be strong) Is what they say when they don't realize, this is me all the time
(Hold on) I just cant hold on to the pain in my mind
(In time) na na na no na no, there’s no time to waste
I must leave, I just must escape
They say it's scary and they cant see what I see
But now that I'm gone (hey), I’m finally free
I Fell (I fell, I fell, I fell, I fell I fell)
Into the darkness of my pit (to the darkness)
Knowing very well
Exactly what I just commit ( oh yes I did)
Reminiscing and forgetting about the times I once had
It's all slowly drifting at bay
I didn't change, I didn't ask for help (oh nooo)
’Cause my hope was far away
I Just fell
(Just fell) into the darkness of my pit
(just fell) knew, I knew what I commit
(Just fell) wanna reminice wanna forget about those times
(just fell) those times are gone, it's far away, and now i...
I Just fell