What Is Love
Such a small word,
four letters.
When I see this,
I am reminded of the song:
Love is for the way you look at me,
o, is for the only one I see,
v, is very very ... extraordinary,
e, is even more than one like me can adore.
When seen through the eyes of another,
one whose eyes are filled with emotion,
that puts no restraints,
no chains, no demands, that is love.
When one cries with another,
dances with another,
confides in each other,
accepts each other as is, that is love.
Trust, truth and honesty, built over time,
becomes that wall of hope
to an everlasting way of life,
taking us down that road of love.
Enjoy the journey.
This link goes back to a post I did in June of this year.
For those of you who haven't read: “What is Love”
"I don't hear anything, Jamie; what do you hear?"
"I think they’re comin again."
Trepidation filled Terry as he strained to hear. There was nothing. Nothing save for the usual scraping from Dave’s room next door. He turned toward Jamie and saw the lean man standing by the padded door.
“I hear em comin for ye. Time for yer meds, Terry my lad. Gona take a trip down smooth alley, sailing on imaginary fantasies while they play hide n seek with yer arse.”
Jamie turned and giggled in his direction, knowing how it unnerved him.
“Shut it, Jamie, you’re always so mean to me!”
Jamie fell silent and walked back to his bunk. Then, there came the sound of several footsteps approaching. Terry’s guts twisted into knots, his hands slick with sweat. Perhaps they weren’t coming for him this time. He tried to swallow but his throat was dry. He heard the footsteps approach steadily, each step echoed through his being. They stopped, all of them, by his door. He heard the murmur of voices as his tormentors discussed something. Then keys clanking against one another. Try as he might, he could not keep them back. Warm tears streamed down his cheeks, and he whimpered uncontrollably. He heard Jamie laughing beside him, and turned to see him smirking at him. Anger filled him at that moment, why did they spare this vile bastard and enjoy torturing him. None of it made sense.
”Ye ready there, Terry my lad? Ye better say those Hail Mary’s and Our Father’s.”
“What if they didn’t come for me Jamie? Maybe they’re here for you!”
Spittle flying from his mouth, he rose to his feet and bore down on Jamie. This time he didn’t care if they both got into trouble, he would beat the crap out of Jamie.
“Now, we both know they not comin for me, Jamie my boy. And if ye want to pull me in on yer trouble, fine… but I’ll hit ye so hard yer friends’ll feel it.”
The door opened as Terry lunged toward Jamie with balled fists. Jamie was bigger than he was, and taller. He avoided Terry’s loose punches and drove his large fist square into his midriff. The air flew out of him and before he could wince, Terry felt a second blow floor him. Four men entered the room, grasped Terry by his limbs, and dragged him from his cell.
“No I didn’t start it please let me go! It was Jamie he made me do it! Jamie, you bastard, I’ll get you for this!”
He was thrashing against his captors with all his might, but their grips were like iron. They said nothing only looked down at him with the contempt he was accustomed to. The light overhead in the passage was blinding in comparison to the twilight of his cell. He could hear Jamie laughing, and it increased his anger and frustration tenfold. He doubled his efforts and freed his right hand. Balling his fist, he struck out at the man who had been holding it, catching him below the crotch. The man howled with pain doubling over. He cursed severely, then removed a syringe from the folds of his white uniform. He yelled for the others to hold Terry down, as he plunged the needle of the syringe in his shoulder and injected its contents. Everything became a blur as Terry lost consciousness.
Terry awoke to an all familiar sight. He was restrained in an uncomfortable chair, with wiring along his bare chest and head. He did not try to struggle for he knew it was pointless. Turning his head as far to the right as his bonds allowed, he saw the man who called himself Dr. Green. He was adjusting nobs and dials on the apparatus connected to the wiring on Terry. He looked up and smiled as he met Terry’s gaze.
“You’re awake Terry, good. Now we may begin.”
”Why are you doing this to me Dr. Green? I’ve been good I swear I have!”
Fresh tears welled up in his eyes as he searched the doctor’s face for some sign of sympathy. There came none. The doctor merely smiled and adjusted a few more devices. Then he walked over to Terry with a clipboard and pen. He placed a chair directly across from Terry and crossed his legs.
“Tell me Terry, how’s Jamie doing?”
This was the drill. Every time they brought him here, the opening question was the same. How’s Jamie doing. If they really gave a damn about Jamie, he would be in the chair and not Terry!
“Jamie is still mean to me. He says the most awful things. Why don’t you ever take Jamie doctor? Why do you only take me and ask me questions about Jamie!”
Dr. Green sighed, and scribbled a few notes on his clipboard.
“Because Terry, Jamie does not exist. He is a delusion of imagination, and we are here to cure you of it. Now relax, this will only hurt for a bit.”
#OfPenAndPaper #Torment
5 Prosers I Appreciate
I too have some Prosers that I would like to express my appreciation to. Here are 5 Prosers that I’ve grown to appreciate during my time here on Prose:
1. Danceinsilence
This guy’s been a true mentor and friend in the last few months that I’ve known him. He’s so much wiser than he claims to be, helped by his long experience in life. He even helped me out in making edits to my Sins of the Father stories. He’s very open-minded about all opinions and feelings, and he’s got a big heart. Also, the man’s a military veteran. That’s another thing to appreciate. So thank you, my friend, for your help, your expertise, your wisdom, and your amazingly fun challenges; and thank you for your service to our country.
2. Mnezz
This girl is one of the best here on Prose. She is everyone’s best friend on Prose, including mine. She may be half way across the world, but she always feels like she’s right next store, giving each and everyone support and care. She’s always there to read your posts whenever possible, and will say just the sweetest things about it. She’s always been my biggest supporter when it came to my reviews and my Sins of the Father stories. You can be sure that she will always be there to brighten up your day with a comment and a smile.
3. Ken_W_Writer
This guy is great! He writes such brilliant poems and haikus the likes I’ve never seen before. Along of which he attaches some amazing pictures to his writes, such as open meadows and trees changing colors. I often wonder, since on his profile page states that he does photography, if those pictures are ones he has taken himself. Regardless, they are still wonderful pictures. Additionally, when I admitted in a post that when I was younger I used to look down on the LGBT community through blind loathsomeness and have since regretted my attitude and changed my views for the better, he, being an openly gay man, accepted me for the changed man I am today. I almost cried when I read his comment. Ken is a good man and a good friend, and I am proud to call him my friend.
4. JD4
He’s a cool kid. He’s not afraid to voice his opinion, and he’s not afraid to stand up for other people’s opinions. We’ve butted heads a couple times before, but nothing too serious to make us resent each other. Sometimes he comes off as a little arrogant and naive as he comments and questions our posts, but he’s not doing so intentionally, as I’ve come to understand. He’s trying to understand our views and thinking in order to engage into a meaningful and insightive conversation, like each of us do everyday away from our computers. And at the same time he expresses how much he respects each of us as an independent individual for sharing our viewpoints. Because what he does best is listen(or in our cases read) what is on our minds. And for that, I deeply respect him. If you’re willing to have a conversation about anything, or just to talk about what stresses you, talk to him, and he will treat you like any fellow man and friend.
5. Finder
She is one of the sweetest people you’ll ever meet here on Prose. She does her best for her fellow prosers and for Prose. Her challenges are amazing. So creative and instructive that I often wished I had her abilities to do that with my challenges. She also has an extraordinary gift of allowing her poetry to convey her emotions, much of them range from pure joy and happiness to pain and regret, with each word that makes you feel as she does. She is also courageous, being open about her bipolar disorder, which is not an easy thing to admit, nor is it easy to understand. I know exactly how she feels. I am autistic, but I wish I could be brave as her when being open about it. I don’t think Prose would ever be the same without her. She is a part of this community, and our world, just as we are a part of hers.
Well that’s five, but fuck it. There’s a lot more prosers here that deserve some appreciation too. Let’s list them off:
I will admit that there are a couple on this lengthy list of mine that I have had strong disagreements with, some have turned into full blown arguments that resulted into blocking each other out of our lives. Despite our differences it doesn’t not mean that I think lessly of them. What I appreciate about those people is their impact to others on Prose, and the work they’ve made into their posts, whether it be writing a poem/shory or expressing their views, all of which they are always finding new ways of perfecting their writing. Odds are they may not be reading this, but if they are, I would like to say that I do apologize how things turned out and wished we could have ended on better terms. Perhaps they’ll forgive me, perhaps they won’t. Only time will tell.
And lastly, I wish to extend my appreciation and gratitude to A and Z, the brain and heart behind Prose. Without them, Prose would not be as it is right now, and there would be no community like us. Prose has become more than just a community, it has become a voice. A voice for many opinions, poets, and fiction writers. We are all given a chance to express ourselves, as well as a gift to share our thoughts and stories to everyone.
“We cannot live for ourselves alone. Our lives are connected by a thousand invisible threads, and along these sympathetic fibers, our actions run as causes and return to us as results.”
-Herman Melville
#Prose #appreciation #challenge #thankyou