Tremendously basic
A forgotten name
A forgotten face
I am nothing but a silhouette
Caught in the shadow of stars
I wait to be remembered
Wandering aimlessly
Hoping to make an impact
Watching from the sidelines
My legacy is forgotten
As I plunge into the unknown
And hope that this is my oppurtunity
To be more than a silhouette
An intricate structure waiting to built
Forging pathways in darkness
Uniting and diving
Conquering the souls of countless
Creating a network of ideas
Drowning in a sea of thoughts
In myself
Words illuminating
Words enlightening
Words engulfing
Popularity contest
Beauty pageant
Lavishly devoting ourselves
Flaunting every gem
And hiding every shadow
Survival of the fittest
Welcoming ideas
Refugees from a cruel competition
Sheltered from the cruel reality
Not from their own magnitude
Whether they wreak havoc
Create illustrious fantasies
Ignite desires
Words are ideas
A burden of creativity
Is our responsibility
Our ideas create our world
And we cannot hide from our shadows
Hiding them in closets
Locking them in the deepest corner of ourselves
Perfection is a vain ambition
We our compromised of our ideas
Our words
Fortunate enough
To have found a place
In which they do not have to hide in closets
In ourselves
Where they can engulf others
And fly
Oh, the arrogance of one who would calm himself a great man.
the hatred and fear that runs through our veins will not be enough
to quiet our conscience screaming out
"This is wrong."
Oh, the man who would rather build walls than bridges
who screams and yells in sentences made of snakes and snails
and his words pierce hearts like daggers
"This has to be wrong."
Oh, in holy parables he stitched together with desperate claws,
he took away peoples freedoms for fear
and we cheer him on
"As if this isn't wrong"
Oh, says a poet,
on the day this man sits upon a throne of greed in our capital,
so shall she take to the streets with words as her weapons, "I know this is wrong."
Oh, please,
please,let it be wrong.
Bathed in the iridescent glow
Cherished blindly
Flaunting its exquisite exterior
Brewing in the shadows
Awaits the true masterpiece
Withdrawing its exquisite interior
We search without looking
We find without knowing
Do not open your eyes to beauty
Open your soul
Emerge from the shadows
Show how exquisite you are
And watch the demise of Saturn
As its superficial empire collapses