Children sit under the same sky
We drink the waters of ages
quenched we seek other sustenance
Upon arrival
our words form the thoughts
of our closest peoples
Sharing looks and glares
grins and shrugs
Invited to endure the peace and bloodshed
Arms grasping for warmth and sanctuary
Hands waving away the malice
and malevolence
Feet trotting firm
on paths not yet negotiated
Seeking the unknown is poised
ascertaining the search for the familiar
The Latter
Flower or the tree within the forest
roots settled into a ground, a soil beneath
We are eminent amidst the star sky evening
this bed we sleep on
our path not yet found
The land rolls across
the bodies of divergent versions of ourselves
The unnoticed at once a focal point
Traveler’s faces gaunt in shadow
unaware of the nature of fate and accepting
of the possibility of what may come
Eyes gazing downward bashful
not ready to consume fully the desire
of volition
Upward their eyes reach
we see forward
Take my eyes,
emptied sockets need no fill.
Cup my hands as your own, the ridges of your fingertips form a constellation with mine.
Sweat in pools upon the memory of our dance.
Of the Earth we eat as one,
it’s catastrophic tidings of messy ambiguity.
While children in wombs wait for life, we drink the night and pass over into supple darkness.
Take all of me with subtle restraint.
Pause my breath to keep my sigh.
Fixed is this moment, below is above.
When you saw me, I was gone.
Paper Dolls
Hide away yourself from unwanted belonging.
Rupture the ideas that trespass against
forward momentum of the present.
I follow secrets along the seams of distrust.
Manufactured by myself and sought after with residual clarity.
They are untrue
I am a fictitious predecessor paying homage to an articulately constructed self.
Do you drown in the image
or suffocate under the steadfast weight of impurity?
Travelled not to the serene bank of verisimilitude,
Stopping to digest the clandestine morsels of former fabrications.
A head slightly above water, sinks still in the murkiness of authenticity.
Circular, the moments spread over days.
In lives not ever having been lived,
the veneer is false and omniscient.
There Existed Only Two
I know not your name,
but I know who you are.
You have been known to me eternally.
You are the Atlas on which I travel.
Seeking your miles,
You climb to my summit.
Unravel your sails
I drift to your light.
My end is your beginning
Continuous, our road exhales each year.
Exhume me from your ground,
I am Dawn, where the ashes gather.
Eternally I know you
But know not your name.