They tell me that I'm stupid
That I'm my own worst enemy
They tell me all I need is a pill
A toxic little remedy
To numb my mind
& fill the hole
Not mentioning the fact
That it would kill my soul
I'd be dead inside
A zombie, a mime
Which they probably want
Because they don't have time
To care about this wretched mess
That they label drama queen
I'm obviously just faking it
How could i be so obscene?
They'll never get it
They'll never know
What it's like to be me
To be lost so far below
Smothered in feelings
Awash with sorrow
& knowing it will all be
The same again tomorrow
There's no escaping
Who i am
There's no pill that can change
The flow of this dam
I won't find peace
Inside of a bottle
A concoction of poisons
All a mottle
You can scream
& rant & rave
But I won't take your pills
I won't dig my grave
So here i am
All alone
& here i will be
Forever alone
Letting you rape me
& bleed me dry
All because
I cannot die
So I'll cry myself to sleep each night
& pray for God to take me
Because I can't bear another day
Of drowning in this sea
Copyright: CJ
Im not a freak
I don't talk to people, because all they see is a freak. They look into my eyes and see nothing but madness. They all tell me I need help, but how can you help what you don't see? These voices in my head weren't invited. You call me a freak because of this burden I have that you don't. You call me a freak because you can't hear them, but I can. I didn't ask for the voices. I try to get them to leave. I cry every night begging them to leave. You call me a freak because you don't know. You look into my eyes and see madness, but really it's countless nights without sleep. You tell people that I'm on drugs because that's the only "logical" thing that can explain this. You call me crazy when I respond to what I think is a person calling my name. I tell my parents and they think I'm looking for attention. I tell my friends and they leave and call me a freak. I am not a freak. I am not crazy. If you could just hear them too, you would know. Maybe I'm not the one who is the freak for hearing them, maybe you are the freak for not.
i paint these people blind
my poetry
is heartless, chews
like gravel on your teeth,
tastes like your mother,
the cornmeal on her hands
when she tied you up
in a burlap sack and tried
to drown you in the creek.
i know you want to.
ask, what's it like
to lay down and die?
how many spiders do you swallow
in your sleep? how many
have you strung out, washed
and ironed to fit your piece?
do girls like you still feel,
can i pinch your skin
until it bleeds, pretend your body
is for tourists and it's a ghost town
once i leave?
you will not take credit
for the nothing that i am now,
even though we both know
i make a killing off of the pain.
you break us, i build colossus,
then redact your name.