We were allowed to be mesmerized by this virtuoso of vocals, graced for a split second by his musical genius and now left in awe of what was his magical presence.
Only he knew the secret person of his heart, the keeper of his innermost verity. The justification was his own.
And you're angry, and you should be, it's not fair! We grasp for reasoning and are left overwhelmed by the inability to comprehend his choosing to leave.
We are only left to find our way to say goodbye.
The Fight
She was awakened by the melodic tune played by a bluebird outside her bedroom window. Staring at the ceiling, she didn't move a muscle, she just closed her eyes and concentrated on each note the bird hit as it sang out to the start of another day. Another day, could she face it? What was the point? Going through the motions, pretending to be present, in the moment, when the reality was her sinking into a dark abyss of withdrawal, denial, and stagnation. She looked out as the sun filtered in, the bird flew away, she sighed and got up.