Hello there. Happy to be on Prose. Grateful to find a writing community. Enjoy, and thanks for stopping by.
Your FAVORITE starting line...
Write your favorite intro from something you've read but then take the piece in your own direction.
(I messed up the formatting on this challenge originally, thanks @JaredHammer for bringing that to my attention)
Ended July 1, 2020 • 15 Entries • Created by Hlore42 in Long-Form Prose
Your FAVORITE starting line...
Write your favorite intro from something you've read but then take the piece in your own direction.
Ended July 1, 2020 • 2 Entries • Created by Hlore42 in Long-Form Prose
A recipe for comfort! Comfort food made of words.
Ended May 15, 2020 • 1 Entry • Created by Hlore42
Write a piece of flash fiction about a fulfilling moment, or write about what fulfillment means to you. Fulfillment is the idea here.
Ended June 11, 2020 • 1 Entry • Created by Hlore42
Some words of comfort for someone going through depression.
Many people are struggling to get through this time. What would you say to them?
Put it into any poetry form of your choice. (Can even be stream consciousness)
What I’m looking for is good flow /rhythm, word choice, and a clear message.
Ended June 7, 2020 • 8 Entries • Created by Hlore42
Write an introduction post, make it a poem if you’d like or stream of consciousness - whatever you feel best represents you.
Let’s get to know eachother!
Ended June 2, 2020 • 2 Entries • Created by Hlore42
Write a mircopoem about a fellow Proser! A love letter, an introduction, praise of a particularly winning quality, a highlight of and endearing quirk - be creative. When you’re done tag that person and me as well!
(This is an old challenge that I’m bringing back as it has received some attention on my page. The lovely Melrueda came up with this one)
Ended May 31, 2020 • 2 Entries • Created by Hlore42
Scene: You work on a space station. It’s your last night before returning to Earth.
Due to the policy aboard the station you must have dinner with a different fellow employee each night. Tonight, you dine with the employee you like the least.
Your comrade just received terrible news from their family on Earth.
Annnnnnnnddddd GO!
Ended February 22, 2020 • 0 Entries • Created by Hlore42
“and it made me think of you”
Write about something that triggered your memory of somebody ending with “and it made me think of you”
Ended February 7, 2020 • 49 Entries • Created by Hlore42
Write a list documenting the things you did last year that you deem noteworthy. Good, bad, or in between.
Conclude the list with any closing thoughts, observations, lessons learned, or whatever you feel inclined to share with us.
Ended February 6, 2020 • 15 Entries • Created by Hlore42
A list of any of and all that you find lovely. Positive vibes my friends, positive vibes. Try to take a unique perspective on this, what do YOU find lovely? Want to write your list in any format? DO IT. Want to write a novel? DO IT.
All I ask is that you tag me as well as any follower you haven't really interacted with yet. <----- JUST DO IT.
Hehe sorry to get all Shia. Be free you writers of Prose!!
Ended April 15, 2017 • 31 Entries • Created by Hlore42
That corner in your room, that corner in your mind, that corner in your heart, any corner to which you are blind. Write about what is found in those dark, unseen corners. Share, inform, thrill, scare, do whatsoever, however it is you please. Tag me.
Ended October 1, 2016 • 23 Entries • Created by Hlore42
Ponder, question, think, then write!
Imagine a world in which humans cannot make comparisons to eachother of any kind. What would this look, feel, or seem like? Choose the form you are most comfortable with, or challenge yourself, do the one you find most difficult.
No limits. Just write.
I look forward to reading any and all entry's!!!!
Ended July 5, 2016 • 2 Entries • Created by Hlore42