Limerick Poem
Write a limerick poem on any topic you'd like. Must follow the formatting rules. Basis of scoring will be on likes, reads, comments, and "damn" factor. Have fun, and enter more than one poem if you want. No limit on number of words, please don't limit your creativity as long as it follows within the format of a limerick. A limerick is a five lined poem going AABBA.
A 7-10 syllables
A 7-10 syllables
B 5-7 syllables
B 5-7 syllables
A 7-10 syllables
Ended October 8, 2019 • 5 Entries • Created by HopeMartin in Poetry & Free Verse
Write a myth, based upon the one thing that inspires you EVERY single day. A myth is usually telling the story of how a natural phenomenon came to be, but you can also create your own. Inspire those who read your story. Write in any style in 100 words.
Ended May 28, 2016 • 19 Entries • Created by HopeMartin
Personify your biggest fear and with a poetic form of writing cure yourself from him/her. Don't fight fire with fire.
Ended April 7, 2016 • 13 Entries • Created by HopeMartin in Stream of Consciousness
Tell me of a personal principal which you learned from childhood and still carry with you today. This principal has to be one of good intention, which you stand strongly behind. It cannot be something that your parents or anyone told you, but of something you grasped by watching and or being around at a young age. An unspoken rule to you which has always been behind your foundation even to this day now.. Write in any form that appeals to you.
Ended April 7, 2016 • 15 Entries • Created by HopeMartin in Stream of Consciousness