He was art.
I don’t know where to start.
Maybe I can start with the word, art.
Art is defined as something so unique,
It only catches one’s eye very quick.
Maybe I can define this word with my love for you,
In this word who to be honest just came in to my mind out of the blue.
You were not the perfect art nor my ideal.
Yet as I got to see the art in you, for a second right there, I started to feel something real.
You were broken once or twice
Yet all I see was a masterpiece in my eyes
Going deeper to the dark sides of you
This love became stronger and deeper for you
If some only see you very ordinary,
But darling, in your own way you were very extraordinary
You were like a fragile art
That I will love with all my heart
At the moment
Sitting at the edge of the boat
The sea was clearer than she had thought
The mountain gets clearer in her vision
The ride goes on and on
She grabs hold of her phone
As she captures the moment one by one
Water splashes against her skin
Her hair against the wind
Seeing the other side of the seabed
She sees the sunset
The sky was filled with different hues
Red, orange and pink mixed with the color blue
That was one experience
That made her think of her existence
She slowly close her eyes
As she whispers to herself, I feel alive
The palm trees surround her
The wind goes stronger and stronger
She sits silently in the driver’s seat
While the music in her ears goes upbeat
She calmly close her eyes
Making every moment worthwhile
After all the busy days had come to an end
She can finally rest her head
As the leaves sway
She stops the music at play
She hears the birds chirp cheerfully
And the people with her laugh happily
A smile forms across her face
The trees once again sway
She could not describe what she was feeling
But she does know that once again, she’s healing
I thought staying away from you would be a good thing.
I thought it was bound to make me feel
I thought I would be more calm once I get that distance from you.
But tears fell on my eyes once I heard your voice.
All I hear was rants from you but I felt so relieved.
It was a wrong thought. You were actually what I needed.
What I needed, to be at peace.
Feelings and you
When the clock strikes nine, she starts to get nervous
As she sees his name on the screen
Her smile gets enormous
She does her inner scream
And when video calls on saturday nights comes
Her heart beats like a drum
As she sees his face
All she can do is gaze
Treasuring every minute
Remembering each memory of it
This is how I feel everyday
And I guess this feeling would never fade away
It has been awhile
Things have changed ever since
I remember how much I would smile
That every time I get here all I hear is good silence
The stars go out
The night sky shines
The moon shouts
It’s been a long time
As I sit here, calmness gets through me
Loud soft music
I feel each kind of beat
Everything feels ecstatic
Heart beats faster
Emotions mix and roar like thunder
In this windy night
I rest with all my might