To A Girl Named Blue
I see you Blue
Just as the sky above
As an infinite expanse
Full of mysteries and beauty
Sometimes peaceful
Like a canvas of pure azure
Sometimes sad
Like a sky full of dark clouds
Brooding on the past
I see your silly and whimsical side
Like a sky full of rainbows
And sometimes
when I experience a little of your love
Simply a taste
of what you must be capable of
I see you as I would a sunset
Or sun rise
Full of deep and rich colors
Colors of passion
Keeping me transfixed
And hopeful
That I could inspire such a love
In someone like you
One day
You have
So much potential
So much talent
So much inside you
Waiting and yearning for expression
I hope dear one
That you imbrace that which is within you
And that
You transfigure that potential
Into a life
Beyond your wildest dreams
I hear you
As a mighty roar
As a foreboding bellow
Rolling and seething
You remind me of days of old
You remind me of my little self
A window before me
And my eyes as a child
Trying to take it all in
To understand
Enraptured by the flashes
And the flood
Terror and excitement gripping me
You, thunder
Imparting fear and awe in me
In equal measure
Always warning of the coming storm
Serving as the drums of heaven
Preparing the battlefield for the soldiers of light
And filling me with wonder
Each time shaking me
To my core
I must write
That will help...
I must write
Yes indeed
That must help me
To find rest
To find sleep
To clear my mind
Of thoughts of you
I must write
My feelings birthed unto the page
Coming to life
Bringing me peace
And maybe
Just maybe
A little sleep
It's my flower you see
My distant lover
Whom I have never met
Yet we share
Share so much
I desire her more
And more
Each day she fills me
With desires enumerable
With love immeasurable
With lust insatiable
I want only her
Here and now
My flower do you understand?
How you move my heart?
You sleep now in another's man's bed
I am nothing more then ones and zeros
I whisper my sweet nothings
And you tell me you love
You tell me you lust
But I need more then words
I need you
So now I have wrote
And maybe I'll sleep
And dream
Of you
To My Flower
To My flower
I think of thee often
All throughout each day
I imagine you closed before me
A bud full of promise
Unaccessable but beautiful
And bursting with potential
I want to softly kiss that bud
And cause you to bloom before me
I wish to behold you unfurled
I desire to stroke your petals
And feel it's velvety texture
Your scent must be so sweet
Your colors so vibrant
You would fill me with delight
And wonder at your perfection
Alas barriers make this moment
Far from this day
But whatever our life may hold
I wish you to be my flower
Reanimate Me
I want to fly free
And far away
From this house of cards
This empty place
Filled with nothing
But broken things
And foggy memories
Of barely better times
I want to break my chains
And embrace the adventure
And promise of the unknown
So that fantasy
May transfigure into reality
And reanimate my heart again
I lie here
And realize
That I am nothing
And no one
I don't matter
Not really
I could lie here
Until I died
And the world
Wouldn't slow down
Even a little
No one would miss me
For very long anyways
I'm just a thing
That moves
For a little while
But then doesn't
That's my life
In a nutshell
...Fuck that
I may be a thing
And maybe
I don't matter
To the big ol universe
But I matter to myself
To my present and future friends
To my present and future family
I can change my environment
I can change myself
And that's enough
To will myself to move
To explore
To learn
To experience
To love
And that makes me some thing
That wants to live
Wants to fight
I better get up
I've got shit to do
I Want You, Badly
That chime...
It always quickens my heart
Another message from you
My digital girlfriend
I wish you were here
Not in a land far away
We're technically just friends
We know the distance won't work
But your more then that to me
I love everything about you
Your free spirit
Your sense of humor
Your velvety voice
Your killer smile
God, that smile...
I want you
To make you laugh
To make you smile
To make you blush
I want to make you feel love
And I want to make you feel lust...
I no longer want you to be just ones and zeros in my pocket.
But to transfigure you into my reality
I yearn to explore every inch of you.
I hunger to learn your every desire
To know your body
Better then I know my own
So that I may give you pleasure
That you would never forget
Go Again?
We Meet.
We Like.
First Date.
Admire. Smile. Talk. Laugh.
Hold Back.
Ask. Learn. Touch.
Hold Back.
Admire. Drink. Smile. Drink. Kiss. Drink. Touch.
Go Home Together.
Open Door.
Playfully Wait.
Eyes Meet. Hands Hold...Then Wander.
Together The Jackets Fall.
Together The Tops Fall.
Together The Pants Fall.
Touch. Caress. Kiss. Kiss. Kiss.
Assume The Positions.
Hold Back...
A Smile.
Then Steel Enters Warm Waters
Gasp. Motion. Grunt. Motion. Sigh. Motion.
Embers Turns To Fires Turn To Infernos.
After Time And Much Repetition.
Explosion. Implosion.
Deep Rhythmic Breathing Slow Together.
Lie Still. Smile Wide.
Eyes Meet.
Go Again?