Pondering Trust
Trust is a curious thing
And it's not as abrupt like a ding
Nor is it subtle like a slim ring
Neither is it bold like a dove's sing
They say you need to be ready to be destroyed but that isn't the case
For allowing something to break you but hoping it wouldn't again would hit your face
It's something so fragile and better kept clean
For if you break it behind someone's back, you know what it should mean
It means constantly pondering if they will do it again
You start counting strikes and reading into every little thing
Going this route in the end will destroy both of you
Till you must start again, fresh anew
In order to preserve such trust after such a blow
You must be able to communicate for both of you to show
Without communications, trust will be fractured beyond repair you know
You can't just expect things to get better without confronting, like pavement and snow
Some give away all their trust far too soon
To the point life will make them out a goon
Trust can be the holy grail
Or it can become the tear in the sail
Only give your trust to those who
Are willing to mend it back up while working with you
And put in the effort to be as honest as you do
And work problems out instead of repeating a cycle or two
Trust follows those who
Carry it with communication to prevent it's undo
I’m Nobody to Somebody (I hope)
Within the mass of metaphors and symbolism
Do people see cynicism and masochism
Perhaps they believe by the next dawn my neck will be in a noose
Till the neck breaks and my body hangs loose
Despite my words' oddities, I mean no harm
And your alertness and skepticism, you should disarm
I can assure you I'm content and happy with my life
Even if I must explore trifles with a molten knife
Sometimes in life you must explore every inch for meaning
But a meaning that's unique to you, that's what's seeming
For me that's to explore the light with a rusty scythe
As well as the night with the sun in my palms to carefully navigate writhe
There are times in crisis where my words become a hurricane
But soon they shall dull into a revelation akin to sugar cane
My journey shall be a lengthy and liminal one
And will begin once more with the sun
A hazy world and you
To gaze upon the vast an empty space is to stare at the insignificance and terror
Making you see the big world and even bigger end and fearing every error
If you keep wandering, you'll grow far too cold
Unable to be motivated, even when you grow old
Within this haze of illusions strung together by perception
No matter who you are, there is always one exception
Within this hazy and frightening abyss, it is you
For no one else sees things the way one person does, only you
When I look upon you fellow sprites
I see potential and a faint glow that will keep away even the most terrifying of nights
But if you let that flame die out, so will many others in line
So I'm here to tell you you're doing great, you'll be fine
Something so small may struggle to become something more
That's the way it was for all of us, no matter the core
Even if you are without direction or a guide
So long as you keep the light going, there's no need to hide
No matter your worries and trials
Just understand everyone eventually makes the finals
Sure it may be harsh and rigerous
But many of you have already done something delicious
It may never get publicly recognized, it may not
But still, it's someone's heart you may have got
One that is perceived is also one who is interpreted and seen
For the stardust within you is the only one that will know what that shall mean
Ignite each other instead of bringing them down
For ultimately only a collective can combat the sun to permanent sundown
You are a wonder, despite your errors and flaws
So run off now, for your potential calls
Silence the light
Cease the might
Surrender the sound
So that silence shall surround
Relief be brought upon thine head
For I might as well have been dead
Can anyone hear me?
Or is it just everyone else I can see?
Cease the dancing and meaningless distractions
But still, I cannot figure out their future actions
Bring forth the dark
Bestow the walls it's mark
Set free the particles that surround me
For once under these sheets, leave me be
Silence the light
Cease the light
Surrender the light
Banish the light
Welcome the solemn dark
Someone who we had taken for granted, leave your mark
For I too relate with her
Here we shall no longer stir
Relief brought upon thine head
For I might as well have been...
He who bore every live face
I was once told that angels were in pearly gowns
Shimmering in the sunlight, an illusion of something holy
Something that is worshipped among the towns
And had their souls reaped to serve god and the living solely
In my travels in spirit, I had searched for evidence of this
Only to find nothing but dread's solemn kiss
My head has grown weary and my vision has blurred
Yet I still search for he who has once stirred
Perhaps he had been with me all along
Some curious creatures had informed me in a song
That all angels had been devoid of pure spirituality
And some could be quite devious, that is only reality
I listened carefully for the example they had gave
As they danced around with dainty creature legs that were devoid of shave
Some had necks distorted and long
Other whose faces I could not make out along
As they moved and dazzled, I grew faint
Their songs beckoning me to the rest of the final saint
My throat had run dry and my legs had grown weak
To the point where along my travel I must limp as I seek
To these notes I had resisted
Just listening for the example they insisted
An angel whose face is constantly changing and shifting
To everyone that still lives in a world constantly shifting
Despite these creatures' fright, I could not match
For instead I found myself captivated like a butterfly forcing itself to hatch
But the world around me faded once more
And then I awoke with my throat and legs sore
I gazed at the ceiling above me with violet outlines
And shapes that were constantly shifting
And yet, despite these obvious signs
I chose to close my eyes once more, feeling something within lifting
A Note’s Cry
Listen closely to the notes of old
And you shall see how expressive and bold
Perhaps it shall tell of a soul long sold
Or a heart that has since shattered and turned cold
Listen to the horrid gliss I beg
Something so sinister it shall crack an egg
Your ears may be pierced, that in itself is fine
So long as you keep in mind every note in line
A serenade could beckon to feelings of ancient
That shall swirl around your throat like a captivating fragrant
Do you hear the fallen within these tunes
Where devastated souls all gather to commune
Perhaps you can almost hear the travel of the feather
But it cannot be interrupted or penetrated, resembling a bond of leather
As the ink continues to taint the paper and it's purities
For the sake of the composer's remedies
Sometimes with a good ear you can fortell
The turmoil that captivates the writer and that sends them to Hell
Perhaps you can tell clearly like the edge of a knife
That this person would likely end their own life
Do you you hear the fallen within these tunes?
Do you hear the despair that came with the noon?
Nay, I shalln't lie
I can hear the note's desperate cry
As I lay
As I lay here progressively losing weight
I can see shifts and changes in the light
Even my hand appears rather heavy
As sleep beckons me once more and one shadow becomes many
Outside becomes a soft orchestra
The final sound that shall lay upon my ears as my eyes behold it's aura
My skin feels akin to ocean waves
With every pulse, I see the memories that my mind saves
Outside of these walls, away from this bed
Life had been harsh and had gotten to my head
As seconds pass, I realize
Perhaps it all was minimal in size
A smile creeps across my face as I close my eyes a final time
Outright inviting death, sticking to nature's rhythm and rhyme
The warmth of this blanket, nothing can compete
For the final thing I shall feel is a cozy heat
Things appear simpler now
There's no rush or wonders of why and how
This is all there is, this is all I'll miss
Or maybe not at all as the world outside is a gnarly hiss
Under these sheets, I may be alone
But that's the most peaceful part I feel in my bone
I know there's only adventure ahead of me
For no one knows the afterlife or what it could be
It would’ve been fine
It would've been fine if you just went to see her, not take her home
It would've been fine if you took the time to just understand basic relationships
It would've been fine if you were accepting
It would've been fine if you didn't use words to manipulate her into bed
It would've been fine if you just got out of her head
Instead you prioritized lust and disrespected her
Instead you made her feel guilty for wanting nothing sexual involved
For love and sex are not something that everyone wants hand in hand
Instead you raged and made her feel scared
Instead you cornered her and exclaimed she was just like every other woman
Instead you blamed her for the relationship not working out
You should've realized after all this time, the problem was always you
You are part of the reason why people are reluctant to date
When would the stepping stop?
The tallying and obnoxious turns that resemble slop
When will my soul and body become one?
Or am I doomed to be nobody or with someone?
I could try my best to regulate my mind
But if I proceed with my body, my soul is left behind
A hustle and bustle lifestyle is not for me
How I wish to be shielded by a canopy
Like his clock, my heart shall stop fast
For a life that would never last
A holiday becomes nothing more than a time to rest
The last thing, long rest
The Eagle and the White Elephant
In darkness, I slumber
Blending in with the blanket around me like a moth of umber
Accidentally, I had slipped away
as my eyes gave way
When my eyes had opened once more, I was in the facility
Looking around, unsure if it was reality
I decided to go about my day, even if something was amiss
Because usually a dream has something you shouldn't miss
Through the lips of people that surround
I had heard such curious sound
Gossip that spread about a pair of animals
Both coming from different mammals
One was an eagle, the other an elephant
A white elephant at that befriended an eagle so elegant
However, signs show that they had grown closer than before
Becoming one with each other's core
The Junkyard was where they reside
For the habitat was obstructed and the elephant needed a place to hide
Every now and then the Eagle would arrive bearing gifts
Though sometimes got stuck and needed lifts
Upon arrival to the yard to grab some scrap
I heard something overhead and looked to see what hap
And I saw such a mystical beast
Flapping it's wings until it landed and ceased
It surveyed it's surroundings more like a hawk
And decided to once more fly amok
It was flying far too fast and going to an area far to cramp
So I followed in hopes to maybe help this champ
As I had gone closer, it was too late
For the flight path curved and the eagle had flown into a pile, knocking out a skate
The world around us in that moment trembled and heaved
With a mighty slide, things fell out of control and I had to leave
I had heard a disturbing cry followed by the cracking of bones
The implication disrupting the soul that anyone owns
I had sought out help rather frantically
Far too frail to be able to lift it all delicately
Once more I had woken up in my darkened abode
And realized that this dream is what my previous disorientation forebode
I stared off into the ceaseless void that seized me with ruth
And came to one depressing truth
Sometimes you are the eagle, sometimes you are the elephant
One that's reckless and becomes their own detriment
The other keeps to hiding in it's own hesitant
Spelling out nothing but tragedy in an instant