To the Girl on the subway with the hula hoop
I knew you were different from the moment you stepped on the subway. I tried not to stare at you, but you were too much. Your nose was flushed red and your eyes slightly puffy. I wanted to talk to you, but every time I got the nerve to walk over and say something, you’d begin to hula hoop. The way the hula hoops followed your hips and waist was mesmerizing, and soon I’d forget what I was doing. It was impressive and I wanted to say so, but people kept glaring at you and remarking about how rude it was to hula hoop in a crowded subway. I think it was rude of them to distract you and me.
My stop came, but I didn’t leave. I remained on the subway, hoping to see you smile. Four stops later, you got off the subway. I ran over to the window and watched you. I think you might have seen me, long black hair, gray glasses, but some guy walked over to you and took hold of your hand. I don’t entirely remember, but I’m pretty sure you glanced back and gave me a smile. If you’re reading this, please meet me tomorrow (May 4th) at the movie theater on 34th Street at 3 PM sharp.
Edit: It’s May 5th (Happy Cinco de Mayo). If you’re reading this, please meet me tomorrow. Same location, same time. - Clarence
Edit: It's been a week. I've been trying to find you again by riding the subway everyday at the same time. No luck. Perhaps you saw me, long black hair, gray glasses? I'm starting to get worried that guy might have killed you. If you're okay, meet me at the movie theater tomorrow (May 13th) at 3 PM.