My Name Is Not Babe
I really don’t think
your testosterone
powered senses of
entitlement are cute
and I dispute
your male privilege
to call me babe
just because I wear
a fucking dress.
It’s not charming
in all honesty
it’s alarming
that you think
it’s respectful
and acceptable
to speak to
a grown woman in
a derogatory way
to try to make them
feel in someway
charmed by a
pathetic and small
needy male who
in reality
is probably
a complete fail.
My name is not
fucking babe.
My name is not babe,
it’s not sweetheart,
chick, bitch or darling
and I am disarming
your hormonal
and chauvinistic right
because you think
I am a fucking skirt.
My name is not babe
It’s a creepy
and predatory
way to behave
and I am done
all the wanking
misogynists who
can’t even address
me by my fucking name.