Untitled Farewell to You
I would rather that you remember me as ... stout and self-reliant in personality- yet, at times, feeble in whole.
Remember me as the person who weeps,
As well as the person who speaks-
with the pitch of a roaring Lioness.
Remember my feet as they ran- frighten by the shadows I stalked in, yet, striding to anew found freedom, foreign to me.
Remember the moments I gave, the moments I shared ... the moments I stole ... But know I wasn't wrathful, I was not a label.
I rather you not remember me as a pained, frighten child- forced to age into a broken void of a lost woman.
But, remember that I blossomed into the strength I saw as weakness, into the pain I saw as shackles-
And remember ... I'm not the formula of current and old burdens- I'm not the mistakes you see;
I am a Human.
I am a Woman.
And I am Me.
The secret I have,
Is not to keep-
Lying is who I became
And spoke some truth.
You said you like me,
I fib I would stay,
You embraced my flaws,
As I silently left you-
You express the pains
I exposed the wounds,
You said you love me,
And I avoided the proof.
Yet, through the heart break
Through the hurt,
You are still there,
Heart ever so big-
And love still strong.
But as I am a coward,
And stone so pure-
I won't see you
But I want to say,
I am sorry-
And I was wrong.
We're stuck, captive that is,
Bound to the restraints of order.
Deaf to the cries of pain,
But actively awake, to the deceit.
We're lost, among the sea of mock bliss,
Swimming blind in despair,
Tolerating the belief We shared
But We lead ...
We lead ourself in failure,
Wishing to become what We are not,
Wishing to call out- just a shout
The need to be heard.
We speak for the voices that can't
For the people who died,
For the mothers who cry-
We shout it!
Yell We must!
Shout at the highest mountain,
To the man who sits peacefully with ease,
That We are here! We have needs!
There's the silence...
Yet, once again, We're stuck.
Fighting the silent war, that's never ending,
We stop the shouts, stop the pleads.
We realized there will never be peace.