The Magic Turtle
There once was an island of sun in the sea
It flourished and grew just as fast as can be
The grass so green
The future serine
In a land where there was not a man
Well then came a ship from the outskirts of sight
Outlined in detail with colors so bright
Explorers for gold
In stories retold
Have introduced man to the land
As the magic turtle flips into the sea
All the water is winking at me
And as the magic turtle swims away from me
Only then does the water stop winking at me
Soon there were houses and cigarette stands
Restaurants and bathrooms and rock-n-roll bands
They conquered the skies
And plagued it with lies
As for the land, it wept crimson blood
As the magic turtle dives into the sea
All the water is winking at me
And as the magic turtle lays his leather eggs
Only then does the water stop winking at me
And then there were none all the citizens gone
Maybe for good no one knows where they've run
The land was now free from ocean to tree
And the skies were now owned by the breeze
But then there’s a roar from the skies up above
In rockets they come no one knows where they're from
They worship the sands
And live off the land
As for the land, it weeps out of glee
And so is the story of man and the land
Living together hand in hand
They both know the way to carry the slain
That's the reason for life anyway
At least that's what the turtle told me
I am the magic turtle
I have the magic plan
Send all your money to the water and land
You'll be a happy man
Who I Really Am
I am a sac of water and carbon made up of electrons and protons lying on a small rock infested with more of these elements while all are forever hurling through mysterious black matter space, entwined in a dance with countless other gasses and rocks, as they spin and collide toward an untold purpose by an unknown god.
Prepare Daily
Cradled pigeon bother no more
Lay your head
Give way to dawn of flight
Eagle surpassed your ways
Nothing you can do to compete
Old owl knows cunning tactics
What prey doesn't hear
Is swift wings
Point beneath waves consumed by flame
Harnessed only by trivial progression
Couldn't understand and didn't hear
Moisture wept thru the bristlecone
It's walls dampened with dew
The shell poisoned and hurt
Vacant lodgings for the snail
Or the beetle or the ant
Ants love to toil in the sun
Gravity lessens its hollow hold
Christened as a sinner
No longer a belonger
Good for no special reason
Harassed and belittled on this day
A day that lives on in men
Refusing to see thru and will not close
Stay open for the holidays
Easter. Christmas. Martin Luther King
Memorial Day
Columbus Day
Old Wives Day My Birthday
Today ?
No way.
Moment to Reflect
The conflict between the placid good
Versus evil tendencies rages forth
Toward where the river flows into the basin
Waterfall made by the gods for pleasure
Garden of Eden times three
She was sent to rule over the abyss
Pass judgements onto wicked
And bless the holy sacrament
Force field junction blind sided courage
Mangled body parts put inside crushes
To pulverize into fine particle
Space dust pressed into packets
Sprinkled on top your glass of water
Tasty peptide carbonate bliss
Popsicle marshmallows frozen in time
Silently wait their uprising moment
Crows screech to halts farther
Down the crusty trail
Marching last, just in front
Of the drums
The heartbeat rhythm fleshes tones
I've never before felt
My ears long it to return
Stay for awhile bring hope
An array of missile warring abroad
Sail in big ships across the tide
Make way to islands afar
Drift past the dripping hole
Honor sensational conceptions
A Copy-Cat Family
A guy on reality television watched
A show about an army man who bakes
He left his bakery to his son
Who was his convenient apprentice
Working in a fusty old barn of a place
Employing his sisters and brothers
Uncles and aunts
All their husbands and wives
To help run this grand business
Of mixing flour and eggs in a bowl
With sugar and yeast
Pre-measured out from a written itinerary
Based off a past lived thinker
Redone over and over by a copy-cat family
Ego ridden almost diseased in a way
Looking down upon those who didn't
Have a compiled list of ingredients
In their poor hands
Because these guys could read
Their little papers
Then they are better than people
Who can't copy like they do
They kicked the soldier off the show
And the next day the man blew his head off
When They Align
Reach out to catch
The Severed Head
Drifting lower into the Darkness
Held hostage over millennia
Bitten by the Shrunken Heads
Of other worldly Creatures
and held under Water
So not to Breathe Air
Then pulled up by its Hair
Dragged onto shore
Placed on a Pole of Ambitions
Carried by the Tribe who wander
Up to the Solemn Mountain Range
To be hoisted and presented to
The Foul Beast and the Peak
It drools with contempt
Belching great wisps of Terrible
Smelling odorous smoke
To deny this thing of its
Bold sacrifice
To rob it of what's rightfully
Possessed as a gift from Human
Taking away all that keeps
The peril from opening the gate
Sending troops to the pillage
The ones wearing white
The head will return to its body
Cast the demons from Earth
With a resurrection of Revenge
The Savior of The Blessed Father
To create Wisdom and Sanctity
For all Man-Kinds' Brethren
If by horrible chance
His mighty head shall roll once more
Then shall all his disciples move
To be by his side in Heaven
Taking their own lives so to be
Closer to the One the Love
Only to see Him one more time
Gaze onto His Golden Mare and Wool
Crack jokes about foolish tales
Back when they were Align
When things were easier
Never took eons to finish
Heaven is eternal and forever
Lasts a long time for people
When they are align
But after that when they actually
Exist in a world of no time
Experience the Foreverness
Then time does not have a feeling
Tasks are accomplished
In the relative passing moments
As it would be for any normal
Living soul on Earth
In death, the souls just move much
Much slower, to a snail's crawl
Pacing a way a tree might grow
How a rock may geologically transfigure
A flower blossoming tells a story of patience
But the act is quick enough for the bud
A maniac's babble can be useful
When it rhymes or sounds nice
A Letter To The Establishment
Run away my wiry foxhound
Play sheep and catch fish
Toss the sacred ball around
To fulfill the complaints made
By the elderly
Amongst many grievances
The most utterly absurd was
Posted on the weekend edition
Of "Uncle Sam's Fearless Avengers"
Magazine given out free
To the soldiers in the Army and Navy
The Air Force opted out of the subscription
The postee was a Mildred McDirven
Who wrote most poetically
"Misters of the Establishment,
I no longer feel as tho
I am needed anymore in society
Every day I get older
I also feel less wanted
and more obsolete
It certainly doesn't help
When you keep sending me
Cards with the cross and Jesus
Printed on the front
It depresses me, damn it!
I will see the Lord in my own time
and very soon at that I'm afraid
but I don't need to be reminded of it
So please stop sending me
Cards all together, I don't like cards
I don't like holidays
and I don't like you.
Bad Deeds
I shouted to plead with the gang
"It wasn't me, I didn't shoot!"
But the crowd continued
Clambering at me full throttle
I took my gun out and began to fire
One by one they each fell
I must have put down twenty men
Had to reload six times
So it was closer to twenty-five
Killed all those sons of bitches
Murdered them 'cuz they would
Have I
All for the mistaken identity
The real killer is still loose
My bad deeds were in self defense
But his victim didn't deserve to die
The posse after me, well they had
It coming, you know?
They were asking for it
Kissed the ring
and I forged the steel
Never wavered
To trip now would throw away
Everything I worked so hard
To build
and to maintain
Brave little friends
Sink below the trembling fears
and demonstrate defeat
Romanticize the bad deeds
The flock has spoken
Bell has tolled
Carry My Burden
Tranquil fits of
Crimson red blood transfusions
Tied up to poles
Shock therapy destination
Rabid teenager science friction
Reactionary totem set in the Earth
Gravel and sand placed around
Encircling the shrine
The medicine women purge
Themselves of the Wicked Flesh
Placed into what we can only
Describe as a bush or shrubbery
Cut down by blade
Manicured to stay warm thru the winter
Crushed pomegranate seeds
Litter the cabin floor
Wooden beams jut out
Toward the ceiling
Holding up the great weight of burden
Five large oak trees
Soldiers of the forest
Like Atlas carrying Earth
The trees carry our suffering
Our shames loading them down
On their backs we lay our cruel souls
Lessons stolen from the Master
By the weakest pupil
Even the Truth
Falls on deaf ears
When spoken by the unworthy
By the ignorant
The words only dull his tongue
Launch time in a hurry
Except the passengers
Are nowhere to be seen
Hold the striped bar down
Pick up the bucket and paddle
Fill the urn with ashes and bones
Release the pot for the seas
Triumphant moonlight cages shadows
Winning another night
The Battle of Color