"You will always be top priority
I will always love you
You were the best thing to ever happen to me "
Then why am I holding my heart in my hands?
Why is it dying?
I'm choking on my thoughts
I'm drowning in my oxygen
I'm coughing on blood
And in this moment I wish I didn't have a soul
I wish I didn't have a direct connection to you anymore
I wish I never met you but you know I don't mean that
I wish I never introduced you to her but you know I only slightly mean that
I wish I never slept with you and for once I'm not sure how I mean that
I just wanted forever with the person who wanted me forever
The person my soul is tied to, my soulmate, my everything, my other half, the person who makes me stronger, my love, my honey, my sweet prince, my rock, my world, my universe, the sun to my moon, the sunrise to my sunset, everything we did was beautiful
And now the colors are gone
And it's dark in my room and it's 3 am and my eyes are puffy and grief and anger and sadness have come to visit me and suddenly the sobriety streak means nothing and a knife is sitting across from me on the cold hard floor
And I wanna stop but for once everything is quiet
My mind has always been a warzone that no one was able to tame and you were able to figure it all out, you ceased the fighting and I felt peace for once
But now your gone and there I am being torn apart by myself
And there's a reason people go insane I feel it now just inching towards me, just in a cocky way cause no one can escape their own mind right?
It's so taunting, so right there, an in your face kind of thing
Almost like you but not because it's what I can't have with you anymore that drives me insane
You're my kryptonite, you always have been, you always will, and against everything I will still be sitting here for whenever you need me.
For whatever.
For all eternity.
Crazy how a few years later I'm still writing about the same boy
The one I lost
But I said it's fine he deserves to be happy
And anyway they say if you let something go and it comes back it's yours forever
Thats not true
He did come back yes
But he's gone forever this time
We loved so hard and so beautifully it was any writers dream
Any artist would've found inspiration in it
Musicians would've wished they could write as intoxicating as that simple emotion
But you weren't happy
No now I'm too busy planning my life
Our life
And I'm so tired of crying and fighting my mind while you go do whatever your heart so damn desires
I cry for a boyfriend I can't have
I cry for happiness that I no longer seem to deserve and crave so much it hurts
And yet I still crave you
They say you never forget your first love, how sweet and delicate it is
Oh but I got to fall in love with you twice
And baby that's more powerful than any drug on this earth
Couple Walk
Come with me
Let’s go on a walk
Just you and I
We can hold hands and pick flowers and do all those kinds of things that you love to do
And we’re walking along
With a pretty sunset in the background
Just routine for me
Now here’s the part where we sit down at some park bench and watch the sun set
With its vibrant colors lighting up the sky, I tell you that you light up my life more than that sun does
Now I’m looking around and I see no railing
So I point it out and hold you close and tell you that no danger will come while you’re with me
Now we get up to get a closer look and kiss some more
And this time I say something new
I tell you that we’re always gonna be together
You and me, me and you against the world
Now and forever until the end of time
You blush and say how adorable I am
So I pick you up and spin you around
And I put you down and smile down
And I push you over
Till the end I had promised