A Conversation With Hitler
I'd been having the strangest dreams for weeks. Vivid renditions of events in history played on loop. I was a history major at Yale, with aspirations of becoming a college history professor myself one day, so I was constantly studying the past. I blamed years of over analyzing documents and looking at every single detail surrounding events for these boarderline nightmares, and just pushed through my days tired and testy. One night in particular, the dream seemed far more lucid.
I bolted upright in my bed, around 3 am. My forehead dripping sweat, I let my eyes adjust to the dark room. I jumped. At the edge of the bed, there was a figure, but I had to really squint to see him. After a few more moments of studying each other, I came to the realization that the appartaion (I was assuming?) was none other than Adolf Hitler.
"What the- " I began to question, somehow thinking this was plausible.
"I know. Ive been trying to figure it out too" he responded.
"Why are you in my house, on my bed?!"
"I was sent."
"And why would be able to see you, you piece of scum, you've been dead for over 70 years."
"This is Hell, I don't get the luxury of death."
"Good." I spat, "You don't deserve it."
He nodded his head in sullen undertsanding. I took a minute to think about how long he had been stuck between worlds, in purgatory. It wasnt like I had any remorse for this sorry excuse of a man, but it was just an eye opener. It was somewhat of a relief too.These horrible people deserved far less than the sweet nothingness of death and the void. I'd always secretly hoped that there was some further punishment.
"Do you have any idea the gravity of what you've done, the people you've scarred, the amount of lives you've taken??!" I shakily yelled towards the almost transparent man.
"Yes, and I think you know I do, but that's not the important thing right now. I wasnt sent here to just listen to you berate me for things I've long known to be the reasons for my damnation. I was sent as a warning."
My mouth opened in surprise. A warning? For what? I hadn't done anything "Hitler Worthy" recently. At least I didn't think. My mind swam with information from the second World War. Was I even awake right now? I blinked rapidly and rubbed my eyes, expecting the transparent man to be gone, but there he was, still staring at me.
"Well?" I questioned a little less vehemently than before, "What is it you're warning me of"
"Me." He said simply.
"I'm sorry?"
"Theres increasing potential that todays political leaders have the rising potential to become very similar to myself."
This threw me for a loop. I knew the political climate was messy but not that bad.
"Take a closer look and pay more attention. You're studying history correct? You should realize the parallels."
"Why are you telling me this? Aren't you the bad guy?"
He sighed. He seemed tired. "This is my Hell, preventing more people like me."
With that statement I awoke. In a cold sweat, I (actually) bolted upright. No Hitler. I immediately moved to my desk and turned on my computer, anxious, and I started filling out the major transfer form. Maybe history wasn't for me.
Naivety vs Society: a study in pessimism
Craving naivety
In a world that forces you to be mature
Is disastrous at best
All the stars are covered
And the planets stop spinning
And we are forced to watch it all
The politicians are con-artists
And equality is a cover up
Mental health is a joke
People are dying and nobody cares
While society is crumbling
As the world burns around us
We try to intervene
But the inevitability is crushing
It's the end of the naive
And there's nothing we can do about it