My Love
Love is startling, to say the least
Mine took me by surprise, and now it drowns me
My love is all around me, whispering in my ear
It fills my heart and makes sure it is felt
Love is a plague
I can't get rid of it, and I spread it in everything I do
I talk about my love
I think about my love
I write about my love
I am afraid that sooner or later my love will consume me
Until I have lost all individuality and have become my love
My love was caught when I heard him laugh
My heart was seized and no longer belongs to me
My love can be anything
Soft and endearing, or loud and demanding
My love is sweet
Or it can be sour
My love is a blessing
Or a curse
My love is me
Or am I my love?
To Live is to Love
I am afraid that I have fallen in love with the world and all it has to offer
I have fallen in love with life and wish for it to never leave me
I have fallen in love with the sounds, the smells, and the noises of the world
I have fallen in love with every breath I take
I have fallen in love with every being I see
I have fallen in love with life even though I know that it must leave me
Woes of a Dull Rose
I met a strange man today. He sported a trench coat and hat.
He asked me if I could spare my time to make a little money.
I laughed at the man and asked him, "Sir, if I had any time to begin with, do you think I'd spend it in a place like this?"
The patio on which we stood was beautiful. It was lined with black metal railing and strings of lights. Red roses rained down from a place I could not identify.
"What is wrong with this place, dear? This is the most magnificent site in all the land." The man informed me.
"Perhaps," I shrugged, "However I've never ventured outside of this land, so how can I know which site is the best?"
The man laughed at me, "Every being on this planet is in agreement. There is no better place than the place you stand right now."
I leaned against the cold metal railing, "I don't much care for the opinion of others. I've never been one to side with the majority. Anyways, I know that you're only going to pay me for sex, so why don't you move on and preach elsewhere?"
The man left after that.
I realize that this may well be the most astonishing location I will ever come across, but I doubt that I will ever reach that conclusion. I have spent my whole life on this spot, and when you spend each day pricking your finger on the same old flower, the thorns of even the most breathtaking rose can become dull.
My Life
My life is a sitcom
Filled with laugh tracks and bad one-liners
My life is a drama
Replete with rainy days and philosophy
My life is a horror movie
I run but I always seem to stumble
My life is a play
Projecting lines to my personal audience
My life is an action movie
I spend my time on the high of adrenaline
My life is a dream
In which I am anything and everything
Friends Forever
Do you always put me down
Can't I enjoy anything around you
Are you allowed to talk all you want
If I make a noise I get ridiculed
Do you
Think that I'm only here to encourage you
You give me nothing in return
I am not
Here for you to walk all over
I support you with all I have
Do I feel better when I'm alone
Of when I'm with my supposed "best friend"
Put up with this because you're all I have
I'm starting to think I'd be better off on my own
Viva la Future
I can't wait for the future
Where there will be flying cars and domestic space travel
Children will get jet packs for their birthdays
Conversations with holograms will replace phone calls
Happiness will be up, and debt will be down
We will wear shiny suits and have robotic maids
Oh, I just can't wait for the future!
A Match Made in the Stars
The Wonder of a Gemini
They're the sweetness of a root beer float.
They're a cool Summer breeze.
They braid your hair while you sleep, humming sweet melodies to you.
They're a peaceful chime that rings through a beautiful forest.
They're the very magic that binds the Universe itself.
The Exhilaration of a Sagittarius
They're the fire of a first kiss.
They're wanderlust.
They're the urge to leave your life behind and start anew.
They're the excited feeling you get in your stomach when you played as a child.
They're the thrill of truly living.
Combine them and you will sense the echo of love and creativity in the hearts of every living creature.
Minima Maxima Sunt
She was the lingering taste of butterscotch
She was the soft scent of vanilla
She was the warmth of a strangers smile
She was the excitement of new places
She was the sting of wanting to start over
She was the star dust that flitted in our hearts
She was Heaven and Hell and the confusion in between
She was the answer to a curious child's question
She was the fire of a first kiss
She was everything when she was here
She was even more when she was gone
She is irreplacable
Most People
"Most people... Don't feel this way." I say.
I'm breathing faster now.
"Most people... Don't know what it's like. This God-awful isolation." I huff.
I'm shaking now.
"M-Most people... Aren't like living ghosts. They don't go unnoticed every. Single. Second." I stutter.
I'm crying now.
"Most people... Will never know the heart-wrenching loneliness. They will never have to fight for attention." I sob.
I'm dying now.
"I'm not like most people." I declare.