Sine Nomine
“Next time you shower I will slip in naked beside you. Kissing your neck as my hands cradle your beautiful breasts. Turning your head to kiss you as I move a hand down to your pussy and massage your clit making your knees buckle. Turning to me you press our naked bodies together, feeling my instantly hard cock pushing against you. I slide my hands under your bum and lift you as your legs wrap round me and squeeze tightly. I slide you easily down onto my cock, filling your pussy as we kiss with pure passion and love. Moving together we fuck in the shower. Then I carry you out, still inside you, wet and dripping to the bed. Our lust takes over as we kiss and bite and scratch, fucking like demons from hell, full of power. Quickly I explode inside you as your orgasm shakes you to the core. We kiss an eternal kiss, staring into each others eyes. This is forever x.”
(I realize I haven’t been on here for sometime. I hope you’re all well. This was sent by an old friend of mine several months ago. I hope he doesn’t mind my posting this. We don’t speak anymore. I’ve kept this private but with the times we’re in now, I thought why the hell not post it. I love it. Enjoy & stay safe.)
Divinity for Two
He grinned at her
Which she returned with a smile to him
Beaming as if God was standing on her doorstep
And he was
He was her God
She was his Goddess
Their relationship was the religion
They were the congregation
Love was the sermons
Their moans and groans and laughs and giggles were the hymns
And bible study was every morning & night
Occasionally squeezing in one during lunch.
They were out at sea,
Surrounded by poets of all kinds,
When suddenly,
He fell over board and began to drift away,
farther and father from the haven they've created
In the center of the chaos.
She threw the life preserver to him,
Filled with unreciprocation, lost emotions,
And thoughts she's never disclosed to anyone but
All useless, wasted
Time & energy.
In saving him from drowning,
She didn't realize she was too,
And she's given him the last buoy.
She laughed incredulously and relaxed
Into the sapphire agua,
A grin playing on her lips
With a single tear threatening to slip.
With her last breath,
She spoke a quote from a work by her favorite author,
Ernest Hemingway,
While waves of water threatened to enter her mouth
And consume her greedily.
My, I was a damned fool.
Why are you so blue all the time, darling?
“I’m like snow,” she divulged to him.
He’s always had that certain aura
Which made you want to confide in him.
“It needs the sun to melt. Heat.”
She glanced away from him and felt a tear
Greedily attempting to trail down her flushed cheek.
“But I have no sun in me.
No light, heat, to melt my frosty skin.
It’s cold all the time.”
Brown-eyed Angel
He calls her his
Brown-eyed angel.
Her orbs resembling the coffee he drains
Down every morning to awaken his mind.
His body and soul already taken care of
Earlier that morning.
Like the espresso he adores,
He consumes her
Even three times a day.
“I need you,”
She whispers sultrily into his ear,
Demanding the adrenaline
His caffeinated companion unwillingly relinquishes to him daily.
He slithers a finger
Up and down her slit,
Sporting a devilish smile
Paired with a wicked twinge in his eyes.
He gazes at her,
Moaning and positively celestial.
My beautiful brown-eyed angel.