Closed Doors
In my head you want to be
you think you have the right
to access every thought conceived
though some remain locked up tight.
Hesitant I was to share
that which shows my flaws.
Yet still, in you, I placed my trust
revealing wounds covered in gauze.
Quietly you hear my words
not knowing what to say.
For what I chose to share with you
has made this a solemn day.
Perhaps you wanted my sunshine and roses
or just that which pertained to you.
But you got a glimpse of my broken pieces
precariously held together with life’s glue.
Next time be careful of what it is you seek.
Doors are closed and locked with reason
and the time for bearing one’s pain and shame
really never comes into season.
A Fading Memory
A present lived in the past
the existence chaotic and rough.
An exit found to leave unscathed
when enough was finally enough.
Time moves forward as it does
with barely a thought to then.
Until the past rears its ugly head
and slaps you in the face again.
The Past speaks, stirring my confusion.
This communication was not sought.
The intent to shatter well-earned peace
to the forefront has been brought.
To suck you in, the Past does try
not knowing its battle already lost.
The information given matters not.
Without relevance, it won’t be given any thought.
Quickly on its way, the Past is sent packing.
No foothold here, will it find.
That existence, already lived through once,
just a fading memory buried deep within my mind.
Love to Dad
Dad, you mean the world to me.
Without you I'd be lost.
Fond memories you have given
of what a Dad should be.
Always present, invested and caring.
Support and love given unconditionally.
To follow your example means
to work hard every day,
live life with integrity
and act responsibly.
Tough love there was as a teen
balanced with rewards.
You took the time to raise me right
with help from your loving wife.
Direct and brutally honest
sometimes painfully so.
Never do I doubt your stance
when it comes to what you believe.
Though rough and gruff as you may be you have a soft side too.
Special moments we have shared
ingrained in memory.
Respected like no other
your equal I have not found.
Grounded by your guidance
you're an anchor in Life's rough sea.
I love to see your face light up
when I walk in the room.
You're glad to see me when I visit, that you cannot hide.
The love I feel for you in turn
no words can describe.
Thank you, Daddy, for being you
and loving me so well.
So proud I am to be your daughter,
your loving baby girl.
Love to Dad
Dad, you mean the world to me.
Without you I'd be lost.
Fond memories you have given
of what a Dad should be.
Always present, invested and caring.
Support and love given unconditionally.
To follow your example means
to work hard every day,
live life with integrity
and act responsibly.
Tough love there was as a teen
balanced with rewards.
You took the time to raise me right
with help from your loving wife.
Direct and brutally honest
sometimes painfully so.
Never do I doubt your stance
when it comes to what you believe.
Though rough and gruff as you may be you have a soft side too.
Special moments we have shared
ingrained in memory.
Respected like no other
your equal I have not found.
Grounded by your guidance
you're an anchor in Life's rough sea.
I love to see your face light up
when I walk in the room.
You're glad to see me when I visit, that you cannot hide.
The love I feel for you in turn
no words can describe.
Thank you, Daddy, for being you
and loving me so well.
So proud I am to be your daughter,
your loving baby girl.
A Poem Unfinished
I started a poem a while back
about a change of state I was in.
Odd ways and strange thoughts.
“Something” just wasn’t quite right.
Darkness creeping slowly in,
shadows where once there was light.
To put into words I was trying
I just didn’t know how to begin.
Aside I put it to gather my thoughts.
Time passed and the poem forgot.
Across my mind it fluttered today
the poem I left unfinished.
The decision made to start anew
and release the words I have held.
But “something” was no longer there.
No way to grasp the feeling I felt.
Clarity now orders my thoughts
A different change is in process
No more are the long hours worked.
Over time I have made much progress.
I’ve learned to take time for me.
Expressing myself, I paint and I write.
So too love, has embraced my heart.
I am healed by the warmth of its light.
The shadows recede
For no hold can they keep
when happiness resides in my spirit.
For once I am glad
the words were not found.
That poem was not meant to be finished.
Down Comes the Rain
From dark skies fall a misty rain.
In the breeze do tall trees sway.
The air is charged with tension felt.
A brewing storm comes this way.
Misting no more, it now rains in earnest.
Wind picking up, the trees get a lashing.
Skies get darker, clouds moving in.
All around the raindrops are splashing.
Hard comes the rain no longer held back.
Crashing and booming, thunder does steadily.
Down beats the rain in a rhythmic tune.
Sounds merge to create its own little symphony.
The storm slowly passes.
The land is wiped clean.
The rain soaked earth dazzles
in vibrant shades of green.
Out comes the rainbow
the colors deep and true.
Through the clouds sun rays shine
the sky lightens back to blue.
Nature’s task now completed
the land refreshed once more
The renewal of Life’s circle
will begin as before.
Why do I try when it matters not?
Rules to be followed by no one but me.
It appears that others can do what they want.
Triple the work and double the stress.
Why work such long hours
when there’s no one to impress.
A pat on the back or thanks would be nice.
For your mess I cleaned up
not just once, but twice.
Wish I could be lazy and a slacker too.
But the problem with that is
I’d be just like you.
Guess I’ll continue doing what I do.
With commitment and integrity
I’ll set the example for you.
Night’s Embrace
From deep slumber, I do awake
A whisper lingers in the air.
To the door I go and open
and find it waiting there.
The Night, it beckons
Long have I waited for its call.
To join with it, I do desire
To It I will give my all.
Out into the Night I go.
Each step quicker than the last.
Upon me is the need to run
wild and free and fast.
With wild abandon, I do run.
My skin, the breeze caresses.
Soil cool beneath bare feet.
Wind blowing long red tresses.
Silvery light guides my way.
Brightly shining is the moon.
Nature's earthy scent entices.
With it I am in tune.
Slowing down, I begin to walk
Into the woods I went
Beloved trees align my path.
Deeper in, I'm being sent.
Upon a clearing I do come
a magical oasis is found.
Night flowers bloom near moss covered stones.
A nearby stream playing a musical sound.
Against a tree, I slowly sink
to the ground I find my rest.
Breathing in this wondrous moment
I welcome Nature at its best.
Flitting about, tiny lights I see
doing a merry little dance.
Closer they come, understanding hits
It is fairies I see, but not by chance.
Chosen I am for this rare treat.
Rewarded for always believing
in the existence of things I cannot see.
Humbled greatly by this gift I'm receiving.
Heart, soul and mind at peace,
the body tires from its mad race.
I lay back against the tree and sleep
dreaming whilst nestled in its embrace.