Broken People
Last August I tried to kill myself, however upon hearing a song, I threw up the pills I swallowed. The song was "Truce" by Twenty One Pilots. If I could meet Tyler Joseph, and I plan to, I'd thank him. I'd thank him for the obvious reason, that his music saved my life. Then I'd thank him for continuing to piece together people just as broken as him. I'd thank him for the courage he has planted in each and every listener. Each and every person that struggles along side him. I'd thank him for his strength and his understanding. And I would do my best to let him know just how much it means to me and everyone else that has been touched by a single word he composed. Because I'm drowning and i'm terrified, and so are many other people... but his music makes it easier to get through each day. I wouldn't have much time to explain, but I think he'd understand just the same. Stay Alive l-/
Number Four
Many founding fathers from whom to choose,
Who have influenced my political views.
James Madison, the fourth president,
Relevant amidst today’s discontent.
The father of the Bill of Rights,
Penned after many sleepless nights.
I’d invite him over for a home-cooked meal,
And to his intellect, I would appeal.
Asking how to fix this broken nation,
Preparing myself for an awesome oration.
An intelligent man with a brilliant mind,
Such wisdom today is a rare find.
He’d be disgusted with the current state,
Today’s government he would deprecate.
His critical concepts ignored and discarded,
Constitutional rights so easily disregarded.
So-called “leaders” altogether self-serving,
Of citizens’ support, they’re wholly undeserving.
The United States now mired in fascism,
Poisoned by politicians’ dangerous elitism.
With a time machine, I’d fetch him hither,
To help this country as it continues to wither.
What is truth to the prophet in the desert,
crying out from the wilderness,
"Arise, people, arise!
For darkness has come before,
from the most mundane of evils.
And you may wake up alone,
too late,
in a world that rejects you!"
But they turn away,
those who know nothing of science and fact,
and the powerful medicine they require.
Instead, I will whisper it to the child,
who takes my hand without warning,
everytime I let it hang by my side,
the child, who looks up adoringly,
as if I make the heavens spin,
and I will tell the truth.
The day I give up is the day I die.
Notes from a New England Wedding
A burst of bluebirds fell across the field
Sudden right angle flight
downward twist
razoring above bright green ground
Then with a hiccup of a swoop
Tore into the nearby sumac
Ripping ripe red berries from
bent stems
Tossed the bloody feast down, whole,
into ever empty throats
Berry after berry snatched with a snap
Their eyes gleamed
No! Glowed
in their gorging
blue feathers turned purple
from scarlet juice
Overripe joy
Drunk on the dayʼs promises
They left with the sunset
It's just darkness all the time,
It's just darkness all the time,
Find a reason or a rhyme,
But no, it's darkness all the time,
Do you remember red?
it coats my nails,
feeling smooth,
but texture pales,
with gaudy color,
covered scales.
It must be strange to see no one but to have everyone see you.
It's just darkness all the time,
It's just darkness all the time,
Find a reason or a rhyme,
But no, it's darkness all the time,
Do you remember light?
it comes with day,
scares the goons,
and thugs away,
but at the end,
heat will stay,
How often do you forget that others inhabit the space around you?
It's just darkness all the time,
It's just darkness all the time,
Find a reason or a rhyme,
But no, it's darkness all the time,
Do you remember line?
it defines the truth,
complex when old,
simple in youth,
and still it seems,
to be uncouth,
It's not fair.
But know that though the dark remains,
Feeling, heat, and truth maintains.
Note from the author: I hope this helps
We are addicted to our devices in today's society. Phones are practically glued to our hands. This constant connect is actually creating a disconnect.
Try putting that phone and computer away. Make electronics off limits at times, not only to the children but ourselves too. We are all guilty. I know I've been distracted while others have tried talking to me. They felt unheard. And I know how that feels. That I made someone else feel that way, is so very sad... Especially someone I care deeply about.
Communication is greatly suffering. Text is preferred over a phone call. Never mind getting together face-to-face. Spelling is suffering too with all this text-speak. People need to be aware of these consequences and curb this addiction since it is nearing epidemic proportions.
Humanity is being sacrificed for technology.