Hell Exists
It exists in the mental replays
of everything I could have said
and done differently.
It exists in the pounding
of my heart every time I
listen to the ringing
of a call trying to go through.
It’s in the seconds (years) of waiting
for the other end to pick up.
It exists in each morning
as I put on battle armor
just to pull back the sheets.
It exists in my sweaty palms
and white-clenched knuckles
on the steering wheel as I
rehearse what I’m going to say
to the clerk at the grocery store.
It exists in my stutter-filled voice
as I try to ask my college professors
for help, failing to do so,
and leaving the classroom
in silent frustration.
It exists in the repeated mantras
I tell myself throughout the night
and day
just so I don’t follow through
with what my impulses
keep suggesting.
Hell is real.
It exists in this gilded cage
called life.
And upon release,
our lips finally learn
how to say “heaven.”
An Eala Bhàn
Holding you in my arms,
you are softer than any bird’s feathers.
Your curly dark locks
would make any raven jealous
and I can’t help but let my fingers
get lost and tangled in them
as I trail kisses down
your long slender neck.
Your sighs could breathe
stars into existence and for a moment
I can see galaxies in the ink pools
of your eyes.
I watch in awe as you fall back
onto the comforter,
snow against deep blue water,
arms and hair fanned out,
you put those elegant
water dancers to shame.
I loved you for only a night,
but whenever I see a swan,
I’ll be reminded of you.
Waking Up
Upon waking this morning,
I was greeted by the sight of
two horses grazing on the hillside.
The sky was blue,
aside from a single grey cloud
which was sprinkling this
small patch of earth with
They say the grass is greener
on the other side,
and as a visitor,
I can confirm this is true.
Warm greetings from Doolin, Ireland.
To My Future Lover
I know we don’t know each other yet,
but I want you to be sure about
what you’ll be getting into.
I give you my word to be faithful,
I’ll treat you like I’m a security guard
standing outside a museum full of
treasure. I won’t abandon you.
I promise to be gentle.
I’ll be like an autumn breeze going
through the leaves of chameleon
trees. I’ll carry your burdens
on my back and take them
as far from you as possible.
I promise to be loving.
I will go to the ends of the earth
for you.
If need be, I will play the part
of Orpheus and venture
into the darkest pits of the underworld
in order to lead you back to the world
of the living.
My dear, my oasis, my future light of life,
I cannot wait to meet you.
I will whisper your heart to all the
stars above in the hope that they will
lead me straight to you someday.
Until I can see you face to face,
farewell my darling.
I love you already.
Kind Words
You never know how a few kind words
can turn around someone’s day.
When they feel like they’re in the middle of an ocean with no land in sight,
your kind words can point them
in the right direction.
When life is firing hardships at them like bullets from a gun, your kind words
can form a bullet proof vest
and save their hope.
When their heart has been shattered to pieces,
your kind words can help them
glue the broken bits back together.
To anyone who has ever said a kind word to me,
even if I don’t respond directly,
your words mean so much.
I often feel like a ship that’s getting
too close to the rocky shore,
but all your kind words
have acted as a lighthouse
and steered me back in the right direction.
And I thank you so much for that.