Our Heaven on Earth
Imagine a world without pain.
A world in which we don't feel vain.
A place where we can touch the stars.
A place we all consider ours.
We have no mine, his, or hers,
only open doors and kind words.
Imagine a place with only hope,
and not a place filled up with smoke.
Imagine a place that touches your soul.
A place that's all of ours to hold.
Imagine this place was not only in heaven,
but a place considered our personal heaven.
A Broken System
Together we stand tall.
Broken we'll clearly fall.
Do you see their lies and deceit?
Or do you walk blindly to their beat?
Break the chains of their command,
or grovel on their demand.
Manipulation used through the fourth estate.
How can we just turn our backs or walk away?
Must be united in order to have power.
Or we'll forever be theirs to devour.